As We Know
News • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Ep6 Conscious Equality
Spiritual Integrity and the American Persuasion
July 15, 2023

Information about the cosmic timeline, world development and celestial spirits may seem off track for a series about the American Persuasion. Yet, it is important to zoom out and grasp a larger picture for two main reasons. First, the powers that support our developments and that assure our survival come through our connections with The Divine, and so to own those connections through greater insights that respect our positions in the world—our families, lifestyles and spiritual convictions—is to strengthen what we already have to work with. Second, all tainted influences loose power when we remember and acknowledge our Divine Origins. As we enter an age of intuition filled with uncharted waters, our Memories In Truth will remind us of our rightful origins as well as our citizenships in the spiritual realms, and help to keep us on track.

The next episodes will touch upon the Moon evolutionary sphere and the Lumerian stage; the Earth evolutionary sphere and the Atlantean stage, and tie it all in to the American Persuasion. This is a slow dive that I hope will serve up fresh understandings as we resurface—slow, because that is how my mind works with this information.

Thank you for staying with me <3

Working Within the Spiritual

Indeed, the mysteries are humbling. I used to rather arrogantly roll my eyes at words like The Divine, Life Energy, spiritual elevation and the Heavenly Hierarchy, and not in my most charming thoughts had I imagined sharing a series oriented around the Conscious Light of Christ. Little did I know that Christ is at the root of esoteric studies. We cannot dive into the Western Mysteries without eventually observing Christ at our doorstep and witnessing, as well, Buddha holding the door open.

As we know, all life is persuasion, and all rightful persuasions lead us to discoveries that are designed to support and enliven our wellbeing. The Heavenly Hierarchy is designed as an initiating order. All spiritual beings in each heavenly choir are elevated through merit-oriented convictions. The greatest conviction that has occurred on Earth is the Mystery of Golgatha, when Christ sacrificed His flesh and overcame the tainted weave. Through Christ, all of humanity was elevated. At our current place on the cosmic timeline, it is fair to say that each and every one of us is born onto the Earth stage as an initiate within the Tenth Heavenly Realm.

I had mentioned in an earlier episode that our ascent toward spiritualization is divided between two paths, that of doctrine expression and that of liberal expression. Of these two spiritual paths currently available to us, doctrine leans toward Divine Truth and liberal leans toward Divine Love. Both paths uphold the Divine Beauty and Wisdom of Creation.

Doctrine-oriented experiences embrace the spiritual aspects of Divine Truth and were tried and tested during the Kali age, which began approximately around the time of Christ and stretched to the beginning of the current millennium. During the Kali age, a devotion to the truths contained within doctrine helped our ancestors to shape their intelligent perceptions of the world in ways that developed their concrete minds and advanced their willpower. Challenges imposed by the physical world helped to sharpen the brain and secure our ancestors in their surroundings. As observed through a spiritual lens, we have strengthened intellectual capacities and advanced willpower thanks to those people who trudged through the depths of that dark era.

Now is the time for intuitive advances and for us to enjoy the freedom of discovery. Liberal-oriented expressions embrace the spiritual aspects of Divine Love and are the inspiring dynamic of the intuitive age. Love enlivens our intuitive perceptions and inspires the abstract mind in ways that enhance the imagination. The challenges of this time are designed to fortify intellect while developing the caudate nucleus, our organ of higher sensory imagination. Intuition brings us closer to the invisible world of Spirit, and since the spiritual realms can seem quite elusive as we reacquaint ourselves with them, it makes sense that we approach the intuitive age cautiously and assure that our discoveries are rooted in intellectual merit.

Mind Development

The development of the mind as an organ of heightened intellect and advanced sensory perceptions was a fundamental cause and, in fact, a lifetime ritual in ancient civilizations, not only for the more advanced of our ancestors, but for certain higher beings who knew that the only way out of density was to enlighten the body through the mind and in harmony with Light Consciousness. Our ancient ancestors dedicated temples as schools of learning for the proper development of the mind; this included intelligence as a fortifying aspect of willpower and as rooted in the frontal lobe, and intuition as an enlivening aspect of the imagination and as rooted in the caudate nucleus nestled in the central brain. In other words, a great deal of attention was devoted to the rightful developments of our conceptual faculties.

To be expected, as we enter an intuitive age, Spirits of Density are working hard to disrupt our advances as actively conscious I-oriented beings. They are even going so far as to break down mental integrity at a root level while attacking our more sophisticated conceptual developments through AI comparisons. It is good to note that all computerized mechanisms regardless of appearances are only projections of human consciousness and will. Conscious Light does not figure into their misperceived sentience.

During this intuitive age that we are slowly moving into, our intellectual advances, along with our higher sensory developments are under attack as revealed in the lack of respect that leading influencers have for the environment and the sensitivities of the brain. The caudate nucleus is being targeted specifically through high exposure to electromagnetic radiation, especially on the developing brains of children, and through the herbicides and pesticides that are constantly sprayed onto our soul and our plants and that act like soft kryptonite to intuitive developments. Soft, because we can overcome them!

We can strengthen our resonant chords of Truth with The Divine and open our hearts to receive Conscious Light. As we correctly develop our intuitive perceptions, we bring Conscious Light more fully into our lives, and, in that way, we spiritualize our surroundings. Through our strengthened intuitions, we also invite The Divine back onto the Earth stage to transform our environments.

Simple really.

And yet complicated by all the ways in which we are caught up in the briar
patches of tainted weave chaos.

So, why are we here to begin with? What is the meaning of life growth and development while floundering into an intuitive age? Well, we all deserve to know those answers for ourselves, do we not? A closer look at the history of humanity as understood through a spiritual lens can help us find the information we need to better align our intentions with the rightful developments of our time.

The Celestial Hierarchy

From where we stand on Earth’s calcifying crust, we can barely begin to fathom the totality of God. If we were to move past the boundaries of our world to be closer to God, we would dissolve in a radiance of Divine Power that is beyond earthly comprehension. We are not prepared to stand before The Divine, which is why the Heavenly Hierarchy holds such a vital place in our lives. Through celestial beings, God shares extensions of himself.

Celestial beings and their active roles in creation give us glimpses into the Heavens in ways that help us better relate to the design of our world. The ceilings of great cathedrals hold memories of how our ancestors observed the Heavens when the veil between worlds was finer and when humanity could look to the Heavens and see celestial forms. The sky can only be more amazing when we are able to gaze into the higher realms and witness our celestial family.

According to Thomas Heywood’s presentation of the hierarchy of angels, nine orders of celestial spirits rise before us. This appears to be a common study within old religions as well as the mystery teaching. It is understood that all heavenly spirits are ordered by The Divine and are unique in powers and in presentation. The more enlightened the beings, the more abstract our understanding of them. Many higher beings are so bright that they are beyond physical light itself.

The brightest spirits available to us exist in the top tier of the Celestial Order. The most enlightened of these spirits is the Seraphim, also known as Spirits of Being and Spirits of Radiant Love. Rising beneath the Seraphim is the choir of Cherubim, also known as Spirits of Wisdom, Spirits of Revelation and Spirits of Harmony. And expanding beneath the Cherubim is the choir of Thrones, also known as Spirits of Will and Spirits of Transformation. This first tier of heavenly beings exists beyond our world and our basic perceptions.

A second tier of celestial beings also exists beyond our world, yet at one time in humanity’s distant past, these spirits were more perceptible to us. This hierarchical tier consists of the Dominations, also known as Keriotetes, Spirits of Understanding and Spirits of Intelligent Luminosity; the Dynamis, also known as Mights, Spirits of Motion, Spirits of Dynamic and Spirits of Redemption; and the Exusia, also known as Spirits of Form and Spirits of Conception. This second tier of celestial beings acts as shepherds to the spirits of the third tier advancing beneath them and who, in turn, encourage humanity’s rightful progression.

This third tier of celestial spirits consists of the Archai, also known as
Principalities, Primal Beginnings, Spirits of Personality, Spirits of Triumph, and Spirits of the Age; the Archangels, also known as Spirits of Fire, Spirits of Illuminating Warmth and Folk Spirits; and the Angels, also known as Lunar Pitris, Spirits of Twilight and Spirits of Devotion.

Long ago, when the Living Impulse of our world was first tainted, humanity’s connections to the Heavens were weakened, and we eventually lost sight of the helpful beings within the celestial realms. Spirits of Density had fallen closer to humanity and worked to insert their chaotic influences into our lives. We grew vulnerable to selfish demands and became estranged from our rightful connections to the Celestial Order as extensions of The Divine.

In a way, the Kali age that our ancestors just trudged through represents a purging of humanity’s allegiances to Spirits of Density and their ill influences. We live on the other side of the Kali experience, and we have fresh insights and strengthened minds to support us. This was not the case with the descendants of postdiluvian humanity prior to the time of Christ who relied on the skills of a few strong minds. Over the past two-thousand years, our ancestors whose lives were shaped by a tumultuous journey through the Kali era worked to develop the frontal lobe of the brain in a way that helped to establish intellect as well as I consciousness.

Today, we have strengthened intellectual independence, and we are moving to develop our intuitive independence in harmony with our timeframe on the Earth sphere. Our position within the cosmic timeline reveals that we hold an elevated place as a unique choir of beings and as citizens of the spiritual realms.

Saturn’s Sublime Evolutionary Stage

The warmth of the Saturn World of Mineral Evolution was of a receptive ethereal nature. It was fire in its most refined form—undifferentiated substance held within the Saturn sphere of influence. In a spiritual sense, the Life Substance, or Divine Essence, that permeated the Saturn World was directly sourced by The Divine and was, indeed, The Divine Masculine calling upon The Divine Feminine within himself. During that highly devotional time of development, Divine Essence permeated everything.

Just like all world cycles, the Saturn World held within it seven developmental experiences, or rounds as described by Rudolf Steiner. At the beginning of the Saturn existence, the choir of Thrones worked through their measured impulses as instructed by The Divine to pour out their will onto the Saturn stage. The will of the Thrones weaved into the Saturn World the first ether of the Living Impulse, what is referred to in these musings as the essential ether. The essential ether is thermal in nature, and at the Saturn stage of world development, it contained the rudiments of mineral form that would shape the physical world.

As we know, atoms are not solid objects but inward circulating and minute spheres of energy held together by wise forces. Such forces are divinely created. They are sourced by a power greater than our imaginations yet one that we can begin to understand through our studies of the Heavenly Hierarchy. If we want to play facetious, we can say that the creative powers of The Divine are delegated and in that way dumbed down through the Celestial Order in a way that allows us to better relate to them. And so we are able to talk about the will of the Thrones and the understanding of the Dominations as relatable concepts that shape our world.

After the Thrones took charge of the first stage of development, Dominations began working as extensions of The Divine and built up wise arrangements within the essential ether that shaped the rudiments of the mineral bodies evolving on the Saturn World. Following the Dominations, Dynamis went to work imprinting the wise arrangements with the potential for movement. This information is available through the many Steiner lectures. Around the middle of the third developmental round of Saturn, Exusia, acting as extensions of The Divine, began creating functioning sheaths for the thermal forms. All that manifested during this time was of the most refined quality as designed by heavenly spirits of the highest persuasions.

At their heightened levels, celestial spirits do not live as sovereign beings. Their strength of independence was not forged in the chaos of Kali in the same way that our lives have been shaped and our individual I awareness strengthened. However, each separate order, or choir of celestial beings, undergoes a development unique to their order, what is understood as a genuine lived human experience that affords them unique expressions. In other words, all choirs of higher beings hold an authentic experience of I consciousness. Rudolf Steiner speaks to the humanity within each choir as a stage of development that unites the beings with an ego consciousness unique to their placement within the Heavenly Hierarchy.

At the middle of the Saturn cycle in what could be considered a sublime developmental existence, Archai had their go at I consciousness. At that time, Archai were positioned near the developmental cusp of the Saturn experience in the way that current humanity is positioned at the developmental cusp of the Earth experience. Archai had reached a stage of development that allowed them to work in conscious service of The Divine much to the extent that humanity is elevated today. That central Saturn cycle resembled a Kali evolutionary stage, but it was a highly exalted evolution compared to the Kali world of influence we are placed in.

Through their lived experiences, Archai gained the perceptions of internal warmth as necessary to separate from the outer environment and in a way distinguished themselves as actively conscious I-oriented beings. They became Spirits of Personality whose thermal forms brought creative expressions to the Saturn World.

When the Saturn World slowly came to a close, a great night, which is called pralaya in Hindu texts, overtook the universe. Only exalted beings of the Celestial Order remained conscious during that time, living, experiencing and working through the night in mysterious ways, so that when the next cycle of world development began, they were prepared for a new chapter of creation. For other less-conscious creatures, the night between worlds can be understood as a time of rest in patient anticipation.

Conscious Light

After the great pralaya that followed Saturn Evolution, a new form emerged in the Heavens. All that was established on the Saturn World needed a new stage on which to further develop. In Western esotericism, this second stage of development is known as the Sun World of Plant Evolution.

The warmth of the Saturn World was fire without form. It held Life Substance as fully realized by The Divine. The warmth was an inward, receptive acknowledgement of Divine Consciousness. It was Divine Feminine Substance illuminated in ways unimaginable and unobtainable except by the highest of celestial powers. It was the thermal womb of creation that brought forth an active experience of Conscious Light in the development of the Sun World.

In the celestial realms, consciousness is Divine Light, or the Light of Christ. In a spiritual sense, the purest union of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine is Divine Equality. From Equality is born Conscious Light. In the Sun World of Plant Evolution, the harmonious Light of Christ was actively realized.

In the Saturn World experience, Life Energy moved to form Life Substance.

In the Sun World experience, Life Energy and Life Substance united to form
perfect Equality in the Light of Christ.

On the Sun World, fire along with the essential ether and the thermal forms built
up during mineral evolution tuned to the frequencies of a new cycle of development. The thermal mineral bodies were still in such a refined state that they became illuminated in the light of the consciousness of the Sun.

To wax metaphysical a bit more, the light that filled the Sun World resulted from the harmonious frequencies held within the developmental womb of Saturn that unfolded onto the Sun stage. On the Sun, the harmonies of Saturn holding the united frequencies of Life Energy and Life Substance were birthed as Conscious Light. Another way of saying this is that Conscious Light was exhaled from the womb of Saturn as the Breath of Life.

In earthly terms, Conscious Light is air. Air is the Breath of Life—Air is Conscious Light uniquely charged for this world stage. Conscious Light moves through darkness. Everything it touches is revealed in form. Everything without form holds the receptive consciousness of Divinity that permeates our world as undifferentiated.

The Sun’s Dynamic Stage

After the evolutionary developments of the Saturn World were transitioned onto the Sun World, Dominations took charge of the new evolutionary stage just as Thrones had taken charge of the Saturn experience. Dominations poured out Life Wisdom in the form of Divine Understanding onto the Sun sphere and created the second ether of the Living Impulse known as the vital ether.

The vital ether holds and nurtures the course of plant evolution, and because of its refined interacting frequencies, produces luminous light.
We can observe the vital ether as intelligent luminosity within a body. A trained eye can see this luminosity as a constant outpouring of light from within. Humanity is currently developing supersensory abilities, and much to the disappointments of Spirits of Density as well as tainted influencers, we are beginning to take in Conscious Light and perceive the luminous glow of the ethereal world. Soon we will be able to interact with The Divine through the Heavenly Hierarchy with more clarity and in ways that will open up the higher worlds as a fresh school of learning. We are also beginning to confirm our immediate senses of people, their attitudes and their motifs, through clairvoyant perceptions that allow us to see ethereal constitutions. The inner colors of a person speak to the truth of that person’s character.

The forms on the Sun evolutionary sphere held Conscious Light fully. Consciousness sparks movement and intelligence, and so the environment of the Sun World was alive with realizations that prompted a fresh developmental experience in the form of plant evolution. To this day, the world of flora, and with that said, all of the natural world as we experience it, is permeated by Divine Intelligence, not of the sentient or active I-conscious variety that humanity holds, but intelligent luminosity as directly linked to The Divine through the Heavenly Hierarchy.

In regard to evolutionary elements, the Sun sphere held the essential ether, which was thermal; the vital ether, which was luminous; the makings of Earth fire; the makings of Earth air; and the material markings of mist that would eventually form into the mineral, or physical body. All of these elements contributed to the developments of the plant-like Sun forms.

The great eons of the Sun World were much longer than those on Earth. Yet, it is said that time in the sense that we understand it moved more quickly. At a central period during plant evolution when the developmental cusp of the Sun sphere was reached, the time was ripe for Archangels to awaken and gain I consciousness. Ancient Sun became a playground for Archangels who were ready to mature in awareness. They took on the plant-like forms, which provided all they needed to further their evolutions much like the way we have laid claim to our physical bodies.

From within the plant-like bodies, Archangels expressed their inner warmth in a way that allowed them to detach from the Sun environment. This separation allowed the Archangels to developed conscious distinction as celestial beings and to share their warmth uniquely. They claimed their place as Spirits of Fire, the luminous beings of the Eighth Heavenly Realm. Their warmth primed the plant-like bodies of which thry had taken hold with a fiery power of awakening that became a generating force and the rudimentary impulse of reproduction.

Thanks to celestial spirits, the plant-like bodies formed on Ancient Sun were permeated with all the dynamics of that exalted stage of development. The elevated expressions were carried throughout evolution and into the modern world, as we know it. Near the end of the Sun cycle, as the souls of Earth humanity strengthened their presence within World Creation, they formed thought embryos within the rudimentary plant-like bodies that held the inspired activities of Archangels who, by that time, had shape-shifted to the edges of the Sun World and had met with the highest forms of Conscious Light available to them. For an idea of the expanse of the Sun World, Steiner shared that the edges of the Sun evolutionary sphere met with the orbit of the planet Jupiter as we observe today.

Cherubim stand as the great awakeners of the Sun and the developmental forms. In response to the awakening of mankind, they radiated Divine Wisdom, and authenticated the workings of the other celestial beings. The Wisdom of the Cherubim was sowed within the thought germs as memories of the highest life attainment in the form of Buddhi.

At the end of the Sun World cycle, the Buddhi thought forms were lifted from plant evolution and carried into the Heavens where they would rest in patient anticipation as united with the Atma forms obtained from Ancient Saturn, as discussed in Episode 4.

Our Evolutionary Sun

Our Sun is an evolutionary sphere two-steps removed from the world of Sun on the cosmic timeline. Memories of the Sun stage of development are imprinted within the natural world, which is enlivened by our current Sun.

The harmonies of our Sun are balanced. They receive and disperse Divine Light—inhaling and exhaling the Breath of Life. Yet, on Earth and in specific observation of the material world, life is imbalanced. Humanity is designed to take in persuasions; yet, dense reality does not properly absorb Conscious Light. And so we are starving for conscious attention because the influences we ingest are often tainted.

Earth humanity was set on course to reject Conscious Light in order to sojourn through the material; so, at best, most of us reflect the Light of The Divine rather than receive it truthfully. And authentically. Still, our awakening powers of awareness are stimulating our Memories In Truth in ways that remind us of our celestial roots and that oppose the tainted influences of Spirits of Density.

With that said, some people are wondering what the mark of the beast will look like. One thing for certain, it begins with a darkened constitution brought about by false light and synthetic antidotes, and is shaped by our willingness to comply. It is pressed upon Earth by the tainted weave through endless war games that distort our connections to the Beauty and Wisdom within humanity. Destructive leaders are urging us away from the beautiful persuasions divinely instilled in nature. Instead, they lure us into a twisted reality—a tic-tocking time bomb built up by faceless influencers who push insta-gratification wrapped up in the promise of a warped eternity—an eighth sphere existence that bans insights and criminalizes Truth under the guise of “safe-space” advocacy.

As we enter an intuitive age that is separating out the ethereal from the material, the mark of destruction will press harder upon us. When we tune to Spirit, we breathe more fully and absorb Conscious Light rather than reject it. The freedom to breath and to willfully turn our faces to our sun and to hold out our arms in accountability to The Divine is the utmost acknowledgement of Equality that we can express.

We are Earth humanity! We are appropriately designed to face the darkness of our world and to carry Conscious Light into our experiences. We are survivors entering an intuitive age! We are meant to hold our faces to the sun and to invite Conscious Light into our lives. In that way, we spiritualize, rather than virtualize, our world.

The Garden of Eden


Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in

Mathew 6:10


Humanity was born into a sanctuary, or a nursery, if we will. The Garden of Eden was a sensible environment where innocence was virtuous because human thought was directly aligned with Divine Persuasions as appropriate for the human experience of that time. There is no returning to the garden as a nursery now that we have grasped free will, but Eden still exists and is evolving to welcome us home.

As I understand it, the Garden of Eden experience is not held to one place in time but repeated in various cycles of development. Here again, religious texts prove accurate in the Eden origin story, yet that story is expanded to acknowledge the broader landscapes involved in human development. This repetition works within the boundaries of a Divine Law known as the Law of Circular Form.

Regardless of placement in time, we know that the Garden of Eden was a paradise—a place where our early ancestors became stewards of the land while in communion with the Lord of the World and where plants and animals were designated to them for their liking. In the purest sense, the Garden of Eden as Paradise was a sanctuary that fully resonated with the Living Impulse. Humanity was separated from that experience when a woman named Eve took on serpentine influences and a man named Adam aligned his choices with the misguided notions of Eve.

As a result of their actions, the protective powers of the Living Impulse were shunned, and life grew dire. Adam and Eve were not prepared for the depths of information that swept over them. They were then plunged into a world of chaos where reality was no longer designed to nurture them but to challenge their every move with gravitational pressures and dense experiences as tied to the tainted weave.

Their decent into chaos can be seen as a shove into Freedom before securing an understanding of Equality. In the great human drama, a premature and therefore overwhelming shove forward is the epitome of Luciferian interference. Adam and Eve had not yet developed an understanding of Conscious Equality and therefore had little acknowledgement of their worth as divine creatures. Their ignorance was blissfully lacking I consciousness, and so they were prematurely separated from their source of worth in The Divine and fell into an alternate reality in direct contrast to Paradise.

They became survivors.

Thanks to the modern conveniences of emails and text communications, we have
developed ways of reading sentiment into the written word. While not always accurate, many of us have learned not to assume the worst of people or to get caught up in written misgivings that contradict what we know to be true about someone. The same can apply to scriptures.

We read in the ancient texts that God, or based on Gnostic versions, the Shining Ones responsible for the care of Adam and Eve in the garden, described the consequences for ingesting inappropriate knowledge—inappropriate in the sense that the Garden of Eden was held within an ethereal realm that was sheltered from the tainted weave, and the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, or the red pill, if we will, aligned them with intelligence reserved for I-conscious beings. In other words, they discredited themselves with knowledge tied to the tainted weave that they did not have the inner capacity to ingest properly, and they had to be excommunicated from the one place connected to Earth that sheltered them from such knowledge. The Lord of the World enacted the Law of Cause and Effect and cautioned the couple as he served out retribution. No longer would Adam and Eve enjoy uninterrupted life in Paradise. Their descendants would be born into a world befouled by a tainted weave.

It was a sad day in the Heavens.

16: To the woman He said, “I will greatly increase your pain from conception to labor. In pain will you give birth to children.
Your desire will be toward your husband, yet he must rule over you.”

17: Then to the man He said, “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and ate of the tree which I commanded you, saying, ‘You must not eat of it’: Cursed is the ground because of you—with pain will you eat of it all the days of your life.

18: Thorns and thistles will sprout for you. You will eat the plants of the field,

19: By the sweat of your brow will you eat food; until you return to the ground, since from it were you taken. For you are dust, and to dust will you return.”

Genesis 3: 16-19


Since the ancestors of humanity’s ancient past fell from Grace, Seraphim stand before the alter of Paradise, and Cherubim guard the entrance so that the magnificent Garden can only be reached when humanity emerges from material chaos and returns to spiritual reality where the world can once again be experienced in vibrant form. The fruit of the Tree of Life is the second “red pill” that humanity must ingest in order to obtain our proper place within the Heavens. The challenge of the Tree of Life, however, is that it secures our elevation and is therefore merit oriented. Revelations pertaining to the Tree of Life are not something we can slip into or obtain through short cuts.

Cherubim and Seraphim hold the inner circles of Paradise just as they secure the boundaries of our physical world—one within and the other without. This serves as an insight that the Garden of Eden does no exist in the physical domain but holds its place within the ethereal. Venturing into the ethereal is how to find it today. We must work to reshape our spiritual experiences—to bring the spiritual back onto Earth’s stage so that we find our way forward to Eden, if not for our lifetimes, then for those of our children.

Inverted Unity

The Unity of Two as designed in the Heavens holds pure Equality in the ultimate union of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. From this union is birthed Conscious Light, or the Light of Christ. In the human body, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, working as Life Energy and Life Substance, unite as Truth and Love within the Heart Center. In the Center of Well-being surrounding the heart, Joy unites with Gratitude. In the Communications Center, Understanding unites with Compassion. In the Solar Center, Beauty unites with Wisdom. In the Reproductive Center, Desire unites with Purpose. And in the Creative Center, intelligence unites with intuition in the forms of Divine Clarity and Divine Focus. Of course, the Unity of Two plays out quite differently on Earth, and all of our energy centers are distorted by tainted weave influences.

To their credit, Ahriman and Lucifer are the causes as well as the exemplars of inverted unity. The link between Ahriman and Lucifer may become increasingly important to understand as we navigate the intuitive age. While The Divine enlivens and secures our worth, Ahriman and Lucifer resent and therefore reject that humanity can be redeemed and rightfully elevated. Our true empowerment deprives them of strength.

I spoke in Episode 4 about the tainted weave warping our experiences through the thread of narcissism and victimhood. In this way, the tainted weave serves as an inverted unity that plays into the claws of Ahrimanic and Luciferian forces. In the Center of Well-being, or the outer Heart Center, Arhimanic forces stimulate the inverted emotions of arrogance and guilt that contradict Joy and Gratitude. Inverted emotions tie us to the past while stoking the heavy fires of our lower emotions so that we forget about the redeemable workings of Spirit.

Luciferian forces work to control our well-being through misguided impulses that
steer us into reactionary experiences brought about by denial and whimsy. Lucifer would see us trapped in fantasy and addiction so that we shirk accountability in this world.

As shared by modern mystic Gigi Young in her video, Lucifer, Ahriman and Christ, Lucifer and Ahriman are contrasting yet united forces. While Ahriman holds us stubbornly to the past, Lucifer pushes us prematurely into the future. In this way, both forces work to destabilize the human experience.

  • While Ahriman more often manipulates through deception, Lucifer manipulates through temptation.
  • Ahriman controls our allegiances through dogma while Lucifer compels our loyalties through escapism.
  • Ahriman would wreak havoc on the human spirit by devaluing the work of our ancestors—the refusal to unite our histories in an evolutionary timeline and instead vilify or patronize the work of our ancestors is an Ahrimanic perversion of Truth. Lucifer would distort the human spirit by hyper-sensationalizing our fancies and luring us into distorted powers so that we think we are gods.
  •  Ahriman serves up identity allegiances and tribalism to keep us segregated by past narratives, while Lucifer serves up unhinged ideologies and fanaticisms that compel us into warped future narratives.


Ahriman and Lucifer hold an inverted unity that works like a pendulum, pushing humanity into greedy and cold-hearted materialistic stances that lead to division, war, prejudice and other abuses on one extreme. The next moment the vibe pivots, and we are tempted by escapist mindsets and hypocritical ideologies that lead to division, war, prejudice and other abuses. Both sides of the inverted unity hold the same results that distort reality and sabotage our Memories In Truth.

A quick glance at recent history reveals how inverted forces took on power during the Vietnam War, which divided families and our nation while urging on a free-style, drug-happy Hippie counterculture. It is apparent that Ahriman forces spawned Nazi idealism and moved on to achieve a heightened degree of control over our governing influencers during the sixties. Kennedy was not perfect, but neither was he an Ahrimanic stooge.

The CIA, the FBI, the Bush- Cheney years and the deep state Continuity of Government plan as laid out by Professor Peter Dale Scott, and that is proving more valid as deep-seated agendas that burden our sovereignty and prosperity are exposed, all hold Ahrimanic influences that we would be wise to understand—influences that cripple our government and sabotage even the best practices of our elected officials in ways that degrade society. When we connect the dots, we see how tainted forces steered us into 9/11 and a misguided war in Afghanistan, and have also led to our current predicaments with a COVID Control Regime and a Great Reset scheme. Inverted forces are now controlling information throughout our government while blaming all who call upon Truth and who question the common narrative as misinformation degenerates. To quote from The Wizard of Oz, “Oh, what a world, what a world!”

In the Celestial Hierarchy, spirits in the highest orders give the most of themselves. Only on Earth is the hierarchy inverted so that those at the top prey off less fortunate souls. Humanity’s move into the intuitive age marks a dramatic shift in our positions as developing beings if we dare to look at ourselves in this way. Revelations of old foretell of darkness and of Light. Both will appear side by side as the Living Impulse separates from the tainted weave and secures our way forward for those who choose to align with it.

We are beyond the stages of development where we are meant to receive the blessings of the world like children. Our accountability and what we share matters most. We are meant to take in Divine Impulses and to share them genuinely with the world. Through accountability as aligned with higher guidance, we learn to master the tainted weave and elevate our place within the Celestial Order. This is the true foundation of prosperity and the next step in our return to the Garden of Eden.

Misguided Philanthropy

As we move toward higher perceptions, we are bombarded with false narratives that distort Truth and exploit our intuitive immaturities. This is why intellectual merit is so important.

From a spiritual lens, the 1900’s marked a transition into genuine progress for humanity as we began to explore our intuitive developments through more liberated expressions. We were on a path of natural progression that emphasized Wisdom and Beauty through a broader lens of understanding. Dense forces took aim at humanity with increased vigor during that time so that our free-thinking minds would be subverted from higher guidance. Two world wars and a Great Depression stunted our overall health and well-being, but we continued to embrace the higher living standards of the modern world that provided light and plumbing, and therefore security and cleanliness. We were also securing our intellectual advances through faith in preparation for our intuitive developments.

As we know, good health and spiritual well-being instill sovereignty in a person. Greedy influencers cannot capitalize on well-being, and so they work to sabotage our health in order to gain power and prestige within a material hierarchy. They work under the inverted powers of Spirits of Density to oppress humanity so that we appeal to their authority rather than develop meaningful relationships with higher spirits. They pressure us away from Truth and Love-oriented options and outcomes.

For all of his prestige, John D. Rockefeller stooped to tainted weave influences. He owned a majority of U.S. oil refineries, and in the early 1900’s, petrochemicals were a fresh discovery in the scientific field. Rockefeller set out to monopolize crude chemicals while securing his empire. With the support of the Rothschilds and in partnership with the steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie, Rockefeller used his wealth and prestige to centralize our nation’s medical and scientific communities under the guise of philanthropy.

Scientific medicine was progressing in astonishing ways and in need of capital. Rapid advancements paved the way for specialized fields that shaped the industry. Rockefeller was a skilled businessman and entrepreneur and was able to capitalize on the trend by building hospitals and schools that he could coerce as a profit-driven philanthropist. This greed-oriented approach to scientific medicine caused a schism in the medicinal arts that still plays out today. Petro-medicine was deemed morally superior while natural medicines were vilified. Doctors, scientists and progressive thinkers more attuned to holistic health were undermined, and their advances within the medical field were relegated as alternative and unscientific. The narrative of human health was manipulated to fit the profits of a growing pharmaceutical industry, and future generations would be indoctrinated into full-scale petrochemical ideologies that worked to perpetuate the wealth of big pharma.

Over the last century, our strength of spirit as Americans has kept us relatively healthy despite the oppressive influences working against us. Good people with sound solutions are alive and well in the medical and scientific arenas. We can better celebrate those people and their achievements when we honor the strengths of our natural bodies and tap into spirit-based solutions. Spirit will always guide us toward the most effective and natural solutions available to us while working with modern insights.

The Rockefeller legacy lived on. And in the early 2000’s, another misguided philanthropist set out to profit from the distorted viewpoints of the health industry. Like Rockefeller, this mad intellectual suffered a blow as a result of his character flaws, and so he rebranded his image and became a profit- driven philanthropist in order to stay relevant while propping up his empire. A new century of health deceptions began that culminated during the COVID scare.

COVID emergencies were used to justify lockdowns, vaccine mandates and facemask madness even though treatments for COVID had come to light that offered alternatives. Pharmaceutical companies profiting without liability from emergency injections consistently moved the goalposts of vaccine effectiveness, and in order to comply with the latest recommendations, we, the people, were told to increasingly invest in jabs.

We were misled about vaccine effectiveness, and blame was wrongly pushed onto skeptics of experimental injections rather than rightfully placed on vaccine manufacturers who dealt a problematic product. We were told to comply, to shut down, to hide our faces and let those of high society do the thinking for us. Compliance offered certain people a heightened sense of relevance. And many people forfeited their sovereignty for moral superiority.

It is easy to see the inverted pressures at work. Ahrimanic and Luciferic influences united together will distract us with fear and entice us with relevance while striping away our integrity and freedoms. Spirits of Density play to our egos while keeping us loyal to their governance.

We are told by certain influencers that we should accept their ultimatums—take their drugs, inject their vaccines, spray their sterilizing weed killers, harvest their GMO crops and eat their fake meats, or, as the ultimatum goes, we will succumb to nature’s violent and unforgiving temperaments known as disease, starvation and natural disaster. In fact, we are told more and more often that by denying their solutions we are contributing to disease outbreaks, starvation and natural destruction.

But we know better! Part of the human condition is that we allow ourselves to be conditioned until we wake up to our strengths and liberties. A true awakening occurs when we honor the progressive powers of Love that grow to prosperity on a secure foundation of Truth.

Plant Evolution and the Modern World

The Devachanic world expands through the astral realm to the edges of our solar system marking the lower Heavens. It carries the exalted tones of the Primal Word of God and with that the music of the spheres. Steiner relates in Egyptian Myths and Mysteries, that Christ “became man in order to radiate over all men the mysterious power of the primal Word.” This is from Lecture 4, of which an audio version can be found at

Thus the primal Word descended, in order that it might lead man upward again. Man must understand how that happened if he is to make himself an instrument through which he can work into the future. We must learn to know what happened before our time so that we ourselves can cooperate in an ever-higher molding of what exists around us and for us.
“We must create a spiritual world in the future. To do this, we must first understand the cosmos.


Christ Equality is expressed as Conscious Light. When Ancient Sun, holding the rudiments of the vegetable realm as well as the second stage of mineral formations that began on Ancient Saturn, evolved into the physical world as we know it, it held memories of intelligent luminosity as experienced through sensory stimulation and as built up within the plant-like forms. All that is to be remembered of Ancient Sun is held within the natural world that is alive in the light of the fixed star that we know as our Sun. We become empowered in Conscious Light when we take in the world as spiritually conscious beings— the lines, the forms, the shapes and patterns that hold Divine Intelligence.

Today, the highest evolved members and therefore the precious gems of plant formation grow as refined flowers and also as trees. Trees act as antennas throughout our planet, constantly working to tune our environment to the rightful frequencies of the Living Impulse while cleansing the air—our Breath of Life. We have the sacred Cedar, the Oak and the Willow of North America, the Bodhi of India, the Tuli of Mexico, the Holy Thorn of Glastonbury, the Sycamore of Europe, the Boabab of Madagascar, the Cypress of the Mediterranean. We also have the mystic-oriented World Tree, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, Yggdrasil and others.

There is no wonder why our ancestors sought wisdom from trees; they are rooted in the evolutionary world of Ancient Sun and were shaped in Harmony with The Divine. Just as certain stones and crystals provide links to the higher realms, the plant kingdom is connected to Divine Intelligence in ways that can assist our developments. Yet, as we move into an intuitive age, we are meant to reach for stronger life-affirming connections in The Divine and let the old wisdom held within nature caution and inspire us while allowing new persuasions to take hold. We must become our own antennas—to strengthen our own resonant chords of Truth with The Divine. Nature has new tidings to offer, but they are not found through old traditions. The minerals and plant life that surrounds us hold new vibrations that have been redeemed in the Light of Conscious Equality and, therefore, have been adjusted to our current developments.

Ahrimanic influencers would have us believe that the Beauty and Wisdom found in nature cannot be trusted, and there is a thread of truth in that. The tainted weave affects everything, including nature and our interactions with the natural world. We have one source of Truth in The Divine, and that source connects us to the Beauty and Wisdom imprinted upon this world. New antidotes for our ailments are emerging along with fresh ways to secure our health. New ways of empowering our lives are arising. These ways may be experienced in the natural world but are fully realized through our connections with higher guidance first and foremost.

Living Like a Queen

Archai claimed their unique I consciousness on the Saturn World, and Archangels did the same on the Sun World. As will be discussed in more detail in the following musing, Angels claimed their authentic I consciousness on the Moon Sphere. 

Angels are one step removed from Earth humanity and are our closest neighbors in the celestial realms. They work to hold each of us to the highest expectations of our life purposes. They imbue us with higher frequencies, and if we were to respond more consciously to this, we would be invisible to Spirits of Density who work do draw us into the tainted weaved and eighth sphere chaos.

But we are not here to be invisible. We are meant to explore life and to learn how to handle density. Angels keep us in their watch and constant care as a reminder of our potentials. Through the courses of our lives, which are but a day of work in the time span of an Angel, these Spirits of Devotion hold us in their highest attentions.

The more we understand of the workings of Angels, the better we can hold ourselves to more elevated life expressions, and the better we can hold our loved ones to higher persuasions as well and in that way use our attentions more wisely. This type of conscious awareness is difficult to maintain. We have a hard enough time rising to the expectations we hold of ourselves let alone elevating the best in others.

Queen Elizabeth II was an exceptional example of someone who held higher persuasions. Her reign as Queen at the dawn of the intuitive age kept her in constant vigil over the interests of her nation. She maintained her faith and elevated her strengths as a woman to hold her nation in the highest persuasions available to her for over seventy years. 

Queen Elizabeth's devotion reveals that she was in the good graces of the Archangel that guides her realm. Indeed, while Angels work with individuals, Archangels hold the persuasions of nations. Queen Elizabeth is an example of how women are in the forefront of intuitive developments. Women carry the receptive impress of the Divine Feminine Persuasion that better aligns us with intuitive strengths. Because of heightened receptivity, women are perfectly designed to hold our loved ones in the highest energies of our attentions just as Angels hold an individual.

Much like Queen Elizabeth held her nation.

The ability of individuals to maintain a connection with the higher realms was
celebrated in certain traditions and rituals of old, but as they lost sight of celestial spirits, it became harder for our ancestors to celebrate what they could not see. In modern day, we are all prone to misguided influences and ego-driven demands. It is important for us to understand that holding someone to higher attentions is not a projection of intent. We are not projecting our will onto those we care about but are acknowledging and therefore responding receptively to their Divine Origins and their unique persuasions. This is a practice of patient anticipation that allows us to be honest with what we know and gentle in our responses so that we act appropriately and, indeed, sometimes fiercely when the time is right.

Of course, men hold intuitive abilities and are developing their caudate nucleus along side women. Men have to work a bit harder to balance intellectual stimulation and soften the urge to over-rationalize or over-literalize their sensory perceptions. History holds many examples of intuitively aligned men. The great patriarchs of antiquity had heightened intellect, and their minds were aligned with higher sensory perceptions that allowed them to communicate in the ethereal realms. This is revealed in the many images of Moses having sensory antennae or ethereal horns and, based on my understanding, portrays the caudate nucleus expanding beyond the physical and connecting the human body to the ethereal.

Through our connections with the higher worlds, we spiritualize the world around us. We still love who we love. We are who we are. We laugh, dance, work, cuss, argue and play in this life along with the knowledge afforded us. The Divine strengthens our Equality by securing our worth in this world so that we have the courage to honor our personal developments and to dissolve the worst in ourselves by accepting the redeeming powers of Christ Equality.

Securing our worth in this world through our acknowledgements of Equality sets us on course to be true survivors finding our way back to the Garden of Eden in its evolved form, what is often referred to as New Jerusalem, or New Jupiter in esoteric studies.

Take care, Everyone <3



  1. Heywood, Thomas. The Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells. London: 1635.
  2. Steiner, Rudolf. Cosmic Memory. New York: Harper Collins, 1981. (
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January 10, 2024
Freedom Moves the Moon—Part Three
Spiritual Integrity and the American Persuasion


Advance of the Sexes

During Lemurian evolution, the liberating forces that were aroused when the moon separated from Earth permeated the developing astral body, and Lemurian offspring began taking on different emotional expressions than their parents. They were compelled through attractions and repulsions within the environment that stimulated emotional activities. The outwardly feminine soul developed a masculine vital body and was balanced within by a receptive impress of Spirit, while the outwardly masculine soul developed a feminine vital body and was balanced internally by an active impress of Spirit.

Receptive forces within the emerging female body secured the womb and governed the inner life of the female-oriented soul. The receptive nature of the female paved the way for imaginative interactions with the spiritual worlds that allowed Lemurian women to acknowledge the inner activities of the soul. Feminine receptive traits were largely centered on an instinctive use of the imagination. Certain women progressed to become great soothsayers, the first oracles of Earth humanity whose wise voices set the foundations for future societies.

men were shaped differently. Spirit impressed within the emerging male bodies Divine Masculine Harmonies. Active energies enlivened male reproductive organs and governed the inner soul life of men in ways that stimulated intellectual cooperation. Lemurian men did not yet have the conceptual capacity to think for themselves, but they were able to manipulate their bodies and the sensory world in response to external pressures. Through instinctual relationships with higher guidance, they were instructed on how to work the elements. They became great sorcerers of their time. Their willful advances allowed them to influence the world of form, which was still highly ethereal compared to present day Earth.

During the Lemurian epoch, humanity was still of a slumbering, dreamy mindset. Lemurians took to error rather impulsively, and advances did not come without major challenges and setbacks. The astral body was still developing, and Lemurians were vulnerable to Luciferic spirits who exploited emotional sensitivities through an astral integration with the human body that contradict higher persuasions. Steiner explains in The Spiritual Hierarchies, Lecture 10:

As the Moon development passed on into that of the Earth, the whole process was repeated, and those Beings who had plunged into the full tide of the Moon's development remained behind those who would have nothing to do with it, and others remained still further back, and were attracted by the retrograding development. The result of all this was that during the earth evolution Angel-men existed who were advanced, and others who were retrograde.


The advanced Angel-men approached the men of the earth during the time, when, in Lemuria, they were ripe to receive the germ of the human ‘I,’ and gave them the choice, as it were, to rise into the spiritual worlds then and not to have anything further to do with that, which since the time of the Moon, had mingled with the course of the world's development. The Beings who had stayed behind, whom we call the Luciferic beings, came into touch with the human astral body—they could not approach the ‘I’—and grafted into that astral body all the results of the fight in heaven. While to the Mights [Dynamis] was assigned the fight in heaven, for they were created Gods of Hindrance; the consequences of their deeds now slipped into the human astral body, and there signified something else; they signified the possibility of error and the possibility of evil. Man had now been given the possibility of error and of evil with the objective that he should also have the possibility of rising above evil and error, through his own strength.”

Düsseldorf, April 18, 1909


Lemurians were walking in the dark unaware, so to speak, and were vulnerable to the misguided influences of inverted spirits. At the end of the Lemurian stage, another drop in Earth density occurred so that gravitational pressures in the liberated Lemurian environment did not ease but instead increased. Circulating impressions of Lucifer’s participation in the Battle In Heaven took hold, and the rejection impulse strengthened, overruling healthier developments. Luciferic Angels were able to attach themselves to the emotional body through the astral forces they had developed on Ancient Moon and tempted the people of Lemuria in ways that disrupted their soul activities. Such inverted spirits were, and still are, the devils on the shoulders of Mankind. They inspired Lemurians to rise above the challenges of the world with a false sense of enlightenment that bypassed moral standing and Divine Laws. Such Lemurians seemed impressive and were inspirational at first, but soon became insular and inverted in their false moral standings and lost their connections with the rest of society. Their actions and advice led to the path of Ahrimanic forces that encouraged accumulation and selfish gains, and over the courses of time, that seemed good enough for much of the developing world.

As a result of tumultuous influences, the wise councils of Lemurian women dropped their focus, and unhinged expressions tainted their songs. Creative energies were geared toward emotional gratification rather than conceptual integrity, and animal-like passions brought catastrophe. Women lost their ennobling influences on men, and men neglected their duties. The impressionable landscape was devastated by fiery upheavals as a reckless humanity with unchecked liberated energies ignored devotional insights and instead threw their impulses around.

Our Lemurian ancestors were not yet at a place where they could insightfully choose right from wrong of their own accord. So to help set things right, higher spirits intervened on behalf of Mankind. The great errors in the ways of Earth humanity had been pushed upon Mankind as a result of the battle of higher spirits that had taken place on Ancient Moon. Exusia had prepared the environment for Kali Earth, permeating each Earth epoch with intelligent activities according to the directives of higher spirits who, as extensions of The Divine, had guided the intelligent activities of each world stage. Exusia arranged the conceptual forms of Earth, and now Archai stepped in to honor the human spirit and to help guide Earth humanity away from the tainted weave that was exasperating evolutionary developments.

are of the heavenly realm marked by the planetary orbit of esoteric Venus, what is understood in present day as planet Mercury. Archai work as Spirits of the Age to move humanity into prosperity within each Earthly period. They brought the conceptual accomplishments of Exusia further into the lives of Mankind by organizing the developments of the ages. During the Lemurian timeframe, esoteric Venus and the realm of the Archai was still relatively entwined with Earth. Archai beings moved higher spiritual concepts closer to humanity through the magnificent warmth of character that Archai are known to master. They stimulated within humanity an I-awakening and along with that, the developments of personality. This was a very early and innocent awareness for Lemurians.

The devotional activities of Archai inspired Archangels to move conceptual forces still closer to humanity through the vital body, which Archangels had mastered on Ancient Sun. Inspired Archangels compelled Lemurian men and women—those who were more attuned to spiritual guidance and who had developed their sexual bodies enough to be impressed by intelligent forces—to travel away from tumultuous landscapes and to safe havens.

The accounts as I have described them relate to the larger Lemurian epoch and its outstanding developments that circulated into the waning Moon stage that occurred as the third period of the Atlantean timeframe. Lemurian activities were still quite present during the first, second and third Atlantean periods. The small number of earthly men and women who had developed in ways that allowed them to take in enlightened concepts of the world were guided away from tragedy. Thanks to their gratitude and determination along with the aid they received from higher beings, life progressed. The Atlanteans were their survivors. And subsequently, so are we.

Inspired Leaders

In order to truly know world history and to own our human origin story, we need to insist on historical accuracy through our knowledge of spiritual activities. An eye for the spiritual draws out the truth within a narrative and helps to balance scholarly disciplines with spiritual considerations. Spiritual investigation into the history of humanity is a disciplined study that respects the persuasions of higher forces. Important developments can be explained through a familiarity of the duties and capabilities of higher beings as well as humanity’s relationships with them, including our relationships with destructive beings, those Spirits of Density under the influences of the inverted unity of Ahriman and Lucifer.

During the Kali stage that is Earth, as humanity moved deeper into density, dark influences began more rigorously competing against impulses from The Divine. The deeper into materialistic mindsets humanity traveled, the more difficult it became to ascertain Truth, and humanity became isolated from spiritual insights regarding life and the cosmos. Each human age is marked by imaginative stories that hold the religious trappings of an inverted unity. When Luciferic influences are at play, creative narratives about alien gods and human slaves become mainstream. Lucifer wields an arrogant and rigid intellectualism that leads people into false claims of godliness. When Ahrimanic regression is involved, the supernatural is edited out of human history to be replaced with dogmatic beliefs of a singular god working in isolation without a Heavenly Hierarchy to express his will. Ahriman’s great lie is that Spirit does not exist, and since he is a spiritual being, neither does he. Do not look behind the curtain; there is nothing to see! Through our denial of Spirit, we usher in false heroes and false gods, emboldening Ahriman’s presence until he is center stage.

Since the cosmic event known as the Mystery of Golgotha, Christ has asserted his claim over the evolutionary developments of Earth. Steiner reveals that the Christ Revelation was foretold and celebrated in the ancient world as shared through the Hindu creator god Vishva-Karman, the Spirit of Light known in Ancient Persia as Ahura Mazdao, the Osiris of Egypt and the I Am that Moses proclaimed as God of the World. Mankind was and continues to be elevated through the Conscious Light of Christ.

According to the esoteric worldview, current humanity as a whole makes up the fifth root race of the post-Atlantean stage. We are positioned near the center of the Kali round, but on the upward swing of the cosmic timeline. From this vantage point, and with the noteworthy yet still rather limited conceptual integrity we have gained, we are able to look upon the challenges of humanity’s past with a more critical and detached lens than our ancestors were able. Our minds have evolved to hold Truth just as we have evolved to be more conscious beings.

Through each stage of human development, dedicated leaders from the higher realms have presented themselves as guides to aid the human experience and to remind us of the light consciousness that we are aspiring toward, albeit reluctantly and not without childish tantrums. These devoted leaders are not only integral to our past but to our future as well. They helped to prepare the world for the earthly coming of Christ. And from their heightened managerial positions, they are preparing Mankind for an ethereal Christ presence that will affirm our commitments as spiritual beings. It is my understanding that Christ in ethereal form is already working upon us and inviting us to gradually move closer to the higher realms so that we can experience
Earth in its evolved state.

In Apocalyptic Writings, Lecture 111, Steiner describes the dedicated spiritual leaders of
Mankind as Manus. He states,


The evolution of mankind stands under the direction of mighty Leaders who guide its onward progress. In the language of esotericism these Leaders are called Manus. A Manu, therefore, is the Being who at the beginning of a race gives the great impulse, the direction in which the race is to evolve. We are living now in the Fifth Root Race. When, after the destruction of the Fourth Root Race (the Atlantean) this Fifth Root Race began its development, the great impulse was given by the Manu of the Fifth Root Race. The Manu is not in the same sense a man among men as other outstanding human individualities. Even before mankind on the earth was filled with spirit, the Manu had already reached a lofty stage of development. It was in the Third Root Race, when in the middle of the Lemurian epoch the human spirit flashed up for the first time in the human body, that such leaders came to the human race.


Steiner goes on to say,


If we go back to the middle of the Lemurian epoch and survey man's
whole evolution, we find three grades of individualities who have something to do with humanity. There is a group of very lofty individualities who long, long ago, in the far past, had already passed through the stages of evolution which man will attain only in the distant future. They are the “Holy Spirits.” A second group are the “Sons of God.” They stand nearer to man but are nevertheless far more exalted than he. And the third group are those who, as human beings were still children, but were nevertheless the most advanced among those early men. They are the “Fathers” or “Pitris.”
We have therefore three grades of beings and these three grades of beings are the guides and leaders of mankind.


24 October, 1904: Berlin

Manus are enlightened leaders within the celestial realms who work more directly with humanity by bringing heavenly impulses into our lives. The advanced beings who gave the great impulse that inspired earthly developments were from the realm of Exusia. Their conceptual activities designated the energetic forms and inspired the developments of each earthly round, of which they are engaged from their more lofty positions as the great developers of Earth Evolution.

My grasp of rightful spiritual leaders is that enlightened Manus within the realm of Archai understand the impressions of Exusia and their promotional forces. These Manus carry the impulses of Exusian Masters into the earthly epochs and inspire the developments of the periods and the ages of Mankind in an authoritative capacity. They are referred to as Holy Spirits. At certain times, when the human body is developed in a way that the soul can align with the Archai forces, a “Holy Spirit” can step into the human kingdom on Earth and more directly guide evolution. Archai enlightenment is generally associated with the Saturn phase, or the first and the Seventh period and age.

Spiritual leaders from within the choir of Archangels are attuned to the developmental incentives of higher persuasions and work upon communities of Mankind within each earthly period. These advanced personalities are called Sons of God. Archangels are of the Venusian realm, or what is referred to within theosophical studies as Esoteric Mercury. Archangels gained their active consciousness on Ancient Sun and their enlightenment is generally associated with the sun phase, or the second and the sixth age within each developmental period. Rightful Guiding Archangels support and enliven the wellbeing of nations.

Inspired superhuman leaders who guide earthly developments in more intimate ways are from the choir of Angels and are called Elders, or Pitris. Angels are of the Moon realm, the Ninth Celestial Kingdom. When we elevate our spirits and rightfully acknowledge the higher realms, Angels once again become perceptible to us. Guiding Angels are known to stream their persuasions into the bodies of the advanced souls of Mankind, those people we know as Adepts, and are able to assist humanity in a broader way than lesser-advanced Angels. Angels went through their spiritual coming of age on Ancient Moon and their enlightened activities are generally associated with the moon phase, or the third and the fifth developmental age. The spiritual guide who directed Atlantean developments during the fifth Atlantean age and who helped to secure humanity’s survival in the post-Atlantean world was an Elder, or Lunar Pitris of the Angelic realm and the Moon sphere. It is said that this superhuman being guided the seven Holy Rishis of Ancient India.

The advanced beings of the three realms of the Third Creative Tier help to bring heavenly impressions into our lives the best way they can from their heightened positions within the Heavenly Hierarchy. Archai, Archangels and Angels are at different personality developments. They have evolved to hold elevated persuasions as appropriate and in light of the varying degrees and complexities of their individual choirs. Devoted leaders who guide evolutionary developments are not gods, and obviously, they are not meant to be worshipped. In the present post-Atlantean period, it has been observed that the spiritual leaders best suited to guide and assist Mankind will be enlightened personalities from the realm of Mankind. Such earthly Manus are referred to as Blessed Souls. Biblical Moses was a living example of a Blessed Soul. His guidance helped to pave the way for the life, death and resurrection of Christ as incarnate through Jesus of Nazareth. Siddhattha Gautama, as well, was a blessed soul who opened the doorway to the higher realms and Light Consciousness for humanity to remember as we slipped into the Kali age of the Post-Atlantean experience.

Cain and Seth

During Lemurian evolution, inner awareness was encouraged, but I consciousness had not yet been developed in Earth humanity. The ego was of a larger soul orientation and was not independently shaped. Lemurians were connected to the spiritual worlds through the impressions they absorbed within the environment, which was slowly materializing. They progressed through the shared teachings of more evolved beings and in that way were still able to mingle with the Heavens. They had wills but not yet the willpower to affect the world. They had imaginations but not yet the inner focus to hold their imaginations freely and independently.

In the book The Genius of the Few, Christian and Barbara Joy O’Brien share a compelling study of the Book of Enoch, which depicts an autobiographical account of Enoch’s activities with higher spirits in a land known as Eden. Enoch’s adventures reveal the more open relationships our great-ancestors had with heavenly beings. Rather than approaching the Book of Enoch as a text offering apocryphal writings about a future time, the O’Briens suggest that the storyline is set entirely in the past and, along with the Sumerian Epics of Creation, which the O’Briens refer to as the Epics of Kharsag, the Book of Enoch reveals an ancestral account of humanity.

The authoritative beings in the Sumerian texts are known as Elohim, translated to mean Radiant Beings—plural. By many accounts, the Biblical Genesis also reveals plural Shining Beings rather than a singular Radiant God. This in no way demeans Biblical accountability but offers a deeper connection to the truths of our origins. Some powers are too great for us to imagine let alone stand before, and The Divine standing before us would dissolve us completely. He has and always will work through the Heavenly Hierarchy. Elevated beings within the hierarchy of spirits are uniquely empowered to carry out the Will of God.

To clear up any misconceptions about Elohim, we can note that Exusia moved into full authority of Earth Evolution around the middle of the third Earth round. On Ancient Moon, they held rank beneath the creative authority of Dynamis just as Archai Spirits hold a position beneath the creative authority of Exusia today; however, as I understand the hierarchies, Exusia had already gained I-Conscious Being and had affirmed their active consciousness in a far more distant timeframe, and on Ancient Moon, they were participating in Creation in a way that Archai will not be able to achieve in this world cycle. Exusian spirits had progressed to experience a fuller understanding of what can be described as a united soul consciousness. In other words, certain Exusia joined life streams and held Divine Council—they united on the world stage in the form of Elohim and were prepared to take creative authority of Earth Evolution. Another way to describe the Elohim is to say that they were and still are an exalted council of advanced creator spirits of the Exusian Order. All lower spirits who have not fully incorporated I consciousness come into existence on the world stage through the powers of enlightened creator spirits carrying out the will of god. The bodies of lower spirits, those of the Third Creative Tier as well as Earth humanity and all the lesser creatures, are transformed and in that way recreated onto each world stage through the life forces of higher spirits.

The higher spiritual choirs have unique levels of life experiences that are reflected in the lower choirs of the Third Creative Tier and also imitated in the way that we structure our earthly communities. However, we are more tormented by dense pressures and selfish desires. With that said, Steiner reveals that Jehovah is an initiation rank within the Exusian Order of Elohim. Steiner speaks to this in The Foundations of Esotericism, Lecture VII. He states,

The Old Moon was surrounded by Warmth Ether and other forms of ether. In these ethers lived intelligence and reason, as they now live in the human brain. Underlying this however there was development. At the beginning of the Moon evolution wisdom still impressed itself into beautiful forms. The beings who only possessed the lower human members, physical body, etheric body and astral body, were directed by these streams of wisdom. In the course of further development the three lower bodies descended more deeply. When the Old Moon evolution came to an end the beings who were wise, but did not possess wisdom in a brain, had progressed so far that they could completely relinquish these lower bodies. These beings who had now become Pitris and who no longer needed to enter into such physical, etheric and astral bodies, were the hosts of the Elohim in different stages. The lowest rank of these Elohim is the Jehovah stage. Jehovah therefore is an actual Moon divinity, who on the Old Moon passed through physical development. Nevertheless on the Moon he was never able to work on the physical surroundings, using a brain as the vehicle of thought. Only his physical, etheric and astral bodies had worked on the physical environment. This however he did through pictures. Thinking hovered above. The name Jehovah does not designate a single being, but a rank in the order of the hierarchies. Many beings can take on the Jehovah rank, or assume it for a purpose.

Berlin, 2nd October 1905


Exusian Spirits have reunited the Manas, Buddhi and Atma presence within them and have evolved beyond our earthly associations of the physical, etheric and astral experience. Yet, they are of the lowest choir within the Second Creative Tier and as such are Pitris, or Elders of the Solar Realms just as Angels are Pitris of the Lunar Realms, which consist of those beings of the Third Creative Tier. United Exusia take the form of Elohim, and the lowest position within the Elohim Order is that of Jehovah. Therefore, Jehovah’s rank places him closest to the lower choirs so that he is more relatable to less advanced spiritual beings and can actively work with them. Remember, unlike the inverted hierarchy that we often deal with on this tainted world stage, advanced spirits give the most of themselves in order to assist the developments of lower choirs. With this understanding, the Jehovah of the Bible was of a united Exusia, an Elohim council of what appear to be seven active spirits who took charge of Earth Evolution. Jehovah is considered the less advanced of the seven because he falls into a central and deeper roll within the Kali Earth experience. His powers usurped the others, so to speak, during the fourth Earth round. He is the creator spirit of the Kali round of Kali Earth. Therefore, he is closer to and better able to relate to tainted earthly conditions than more elevated spirits because he dropped further into density. This lower position also reveals a sacrifice. Jehovah sacrificed his elevation within the council and gave a part of his spirit to humanity. He gave up certain heavenly powers in order to mingle within the deepest part of Kali and assist Mankind with his persuasions. In so doing, he put himself in the direct line of fire of Lucifer and Ahriman.

We can note that those higher spirits who work closest to us are not usually of the more advanced ranks. As we know based on our earthly interactions with each other, those of the highest intellect and spiritual persuasions more often have a hard time relating to the rest of us and rely on less educated and less spiritually transformed personalities as translators. With this said, during Earth Evolution, certain Archai Spirits become the embodiment of Jehovah, a council of Archangels become the countenance of Jehovah, beings within the Angelic realm sing praises of Jehovah, and Christ as presented through Jesus of Nazareth is the earthly successor of Jehovah. Christ’s succession of Jehovah fulfilled the Promise proclaimed within the Old Testament and elevated humanity to receive earthly Equality so that we can move closer to the higher creative realms and better understand the blessings and workings of the Sacred Creative Trinity.

The Vedas teach that the Divine Father worked His persuasions through the Sixth Heavenly Choir, which is the choir of Exusia. Christ streamed His presence onto Earth through the sun, the home of Exusia. His powers override the Elohim counsel, of which Jehovah is an acting member, and redeem Earth of its tainted influences. Christianity is designed to elevate humanity through the redeeming Light of Christ so that we can rise to fresh levels of understanding that bring Divine Harmony into the world. The persistence of certain Christians to force dogmatic messages while also waging war in God’s name is a strategy put in place during the Kali age through the inverted unity of Ahriman and Lucifer that they must overcome if they want to truly witness and respond to Christ’s persuasions. Likewise, the persistence of Jews to reject Christ’s earthly incarnation so that their mindsets are tuned to a false future earthly incarnation of Christ is a Luciferic strategy worked upon humanity during the Kali age that they must overcome, or they will not see that Christ has already redeemed humanity and is working with us from the spiritual realms. Furthermore, the persistence of Muslims to place Mohammed over Christ as incarnate through Jesus of Nazareth is an Ahrimanic strategy worked upon humanity during that Kali age that they must overcome in order see that the Light of Christ is already working on and through all of us, albeit, to different degrees depending on our alignments. We are together on this Earth, and we will eventually be together in the Heavens as a united choir of beings regardless of our earthly disagreements.

In the material plane, even Exusia are not entirely exempt from interacting with the tainted weave. The depravation of Ahriman as a fallen Exusia was a slow, heavy decline that affected many beings and that pulled even advanced spirits into a devolutionary path. We can relate to this through our earthly bonds with each other. When a member of a family rises or falls in health or influence, the rest of the family is affected in different ways.

The rejection impulse that had overwhelmed life experiences on Ancient Moon seeped into the lives of certain spirits and caused them to ignore their evolutionary tasks. Contributing to this, Ahriman’s embodiment of the rejection impulse weighed heavily on those spirits influenced by his life stream, this included a united council of Exusia, an inverted Elohim force that would take charge of certain aspects of Earth Evolution in order to promote materialist gains. This group of Exusia was able to participate as a united creative spirit, but in a somewhat stunted way. The impact of this can be understood through the story of Cain and Abel.

According to the mystery teaching as supported by the Law of Circular Form, the life experiences of Cain and Abel are intimately linked to humanity stemming back to the Lemurian timeframe. Steiner relates this in The Temple Legend, an account of a Rosicrucian teaching of the story of Cain and Abel. While the Biblical account of Cain and Abel emphasizes ancestral lineage dating back to antiquity, the Temple Legend as described by Steiner reminds us of an earlier account of humanity and the emergence of a dual-sexed existence. Steiner says,


Let us agree that everything which happens on the physical plane has to recapitulate earlier stages in a particular way. On earth there is always a recapitulation of the events of earlier times. [In his life] before birth man has to go through the stages which he once experienced with his dull animal consciousness [in earlier times]. So, for instance, the Renaissance period of the Middle Ages was a recapitulation of ancient Greek times. We also find such recapitulation in planetary events. Before the present earth became what it is today, it had to recapitulate earlier conditions before it could become an independent planet, our earth in fact, in the Fourth Round [or recapitulation]. Thus, whenever anything new has to appear on earth, the earlier stages must always be recapitulated in a new form. So the human spirit in the fifth Root Race [our present Race] has worked through a recapitulation of the [happenings of] the Lemurian Root Race [the third Race], when humanity was still of one sex only, and then became two- sexed. That had a great influence on its spiritual development.

Freemasonry and Human Evolution II (women only)

23 October 1905, Berlin

The Lemurian stage was of a descending timeline and emphasized feminine qualities in support of active masculine activities. We know that in active life, which relates to all of Creation, the feminine and the masculine compliment one another with harmonious interplay. Through the strengths of the receptive-feminine life is preserved and secured; while through the strengths of the active-masculine life is transformed and enlivened.

The complimentary values of the masculine and the feminine weaken, as it is, or disperse the deeper into density humanity travels and within the limitations of each evolutionary experience. During times of extreme pressure, feminine and masculine energies can become so oppressed that they loose meaning and destabilize the other.

Through a study of the cosmic timeline, we can see that humanity is advancing into an age that, through the Law of Circular Form, bears the markings of Lemuria during a time when Earth humanity was still androgynous. And we can also see that a time will come in the distant future when feminine and masculine energies are truly and consciously balanced within the earthly body; however, we are nowhere near that potential as of yet. Our Memories In Truth are being exploited to chaotic ends, and many people have been fast-tracked into thinking that they are transforming into asexual beings. When instead, Earth humanity at this time is tasked with engaging in the full separation of the feminine and the masculine in ways that support and enliven our creational developments. Earthbound masculine forces are designed to strengthen intellect—the receptive component of willpower that connects us to knowledge as shared through the conscious realms—while complimenting the intuitive discoveries of feminine forces. Intuitive discoveries are related to the imagination and validate masculine gains. Earth humanity carries both the feminine and the masculine aspects of The Divine; however, Woman and Man receive different spiritual impresses through the Holy Spirit and are therefore uniquely tasked within the Earth timeframe.

During the first two epochs of the fourth and central round of Kali Earth when the physical form did not have a definite sexual appearance, the human soul had yet to wholly incarnate within the prepared human body. At the beginning of the third Earth epoch and the Lemurian timeframe, the physical body was still animated through the activities of higher spirits and neither completely male nor female. However, outward appearances revealed features associated with the female form. This brings us to Eve and the legend of Cain and Abel. I pause here to note that my studies are not associated with the Rosicrucian teachings and in no way are meant to speak for them. I come from what can be considered an uninitiated point of view.

According to my understanding of the material, the mystery legend of Cain and Abel speaks of an Elohim who moved his persuasions into the world through Eve, the ensouled feminine being and sacred archetypical woman, and through Eve created Cain. This Elohim was an Exusian Creator Spirit of the Sun Realm, but was of a backward Ahrimanic spiritual stream, while Eve was an embodiment of the evolved female form and of an Earth stream that was held within the life activities of Archai Spirits, those Spirits of Personality, of Triumph, who gained active consciousness on Ancient Saturn and guided Eve’s creation, what we can also call her transformation, on Earth during the first earthly epochs.

Abel was also a child of Eve, yet Abel’s father was Adam, the sacred child of Jehovah, or Yahweh who created man not from Eve but as a direct likeness of Himself. Adam was born in the likeness of God as produced through Yahweh Elohim, the United Exusian Creator Spirit who took responsibility of humanity and devoted Himself to Earth when it was still attached to the moon. Adam was of the exalted Exusian persuasion and held a spiritual nature in the likeness of Elohim Yahweh. During the first part of Lemurian evolution, the human form was either an Adam and in that way an Elohim child as formed through the Exusian Creator Spirit Yahweh, or an Eve and in that way a child of evolutionary Earth as supported by the life streams of Archai spirits.

The stunted Elohim creator spirit who through Eve produced Cain could not replicate himself into the world like a proper Elohim but managed in Cain to create a portal of human experience of Angelic stature, meaning that Cain was intellectually spiritualized to the level of Angels. Through Cain, Angels who were still working to evolve within their choir because they had misstepped on Ancient Moon, found a portal back into the human experience. The lower disruptive moon energies that had been spun into the life activities of the Angelic Choir worked on Cain. He held an active spiritual nature as tied to the solar activities of Exusian spirits, but he was attracted to Earth causes and hardened away from spiritual inspirations. As a whole, he represented a humanity of a masculine Angelic stature as bound to Kali Earth.

As the legend goes, due to their elevated lineages, Adam and Eve could have perpetuated their life streams into their offspring until the end of the Earth timeline and have saved Mankind from some of the harassing depths of the Kali experience. But then, of course, humanity would not have progressed. Alas, Cain was not a product of Elohim Yahweh, and because higher spirits than Yahweh were working under Divine Persuasion to support the proper developments of Mankind, Elohim Yahweh allowed for a creation that balanced Cain. Adam and Eve were united in what appears to be the first coordinated planned marriage, and their offspring took the form of Abel. Adam and Eve were human beings designed by higher spirits. Abel was a human being created by Adam and Eve. The reprioritization of energies within Abel’s body meant that he was not as spiritualized as Adam or Eve, although, he was still exalted and more advanced than Cain. Abel, as produced through Adam and Eve, was of the spiritual heights of Archangels, and he pleased Elohim Yahweh.

Abel was a portal of human activity for Archangelic Beings and was more suited for the Heavens. While Cain’s will was tied to the distortions of Moon evolution that bound him to Earth. Cain overpowered Abel within the materializing Earth sphere, and he eliminated Abel in defiance of Elohim Yahweh. Cain brought the circulating energies of the tumultuous Moon experience into the timeline of Mankind while also propping up intellectual and scientific advances already familiar within the Angelic realm.

Adam and Eve united again and produced Seth, who took Abel’s place as the progenitor of Earth humanity. Seth was less spiritualized than Abel yet still inspired. Through Seth, a foundation for Earth humanity took root and a dual-sexed existence began. And so we have the Divine Masculine as expressed through Adam uniting with Eve, an earthly embodiment of the Divine Feminine, and producing the spiritually receptive and God-inspired sensitivities of Abel. We have the backward Elohim influence working through Eve to produce the intellectually heightened yet spirit-stunted bloodline of Cain. And we also have the Divine Masculine in Adam uniting again with the Divine Feminine in Eve to form Seth, a reasonable Man. Through Seth, the course set by Yahweh for Mankind was made clear. A less evolved race was established that would unite the feminine and the masculine and take over rulership of Earth. Earth humanity, the meek, was destined to earn independence and, in that way, elevate ourselves as spiritualized beings while putting in check the fallen energies within the cosmos.

When Eve took in the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, she was naively acting out a ritual as carried forth by higher spirits who, through the fruits of knowledge, project their life forces into the ensouled world potential so that lesser evolved beings have a knowledgeable environment that works upon them and that they can also work upon. However, Eve cut herself off from the spiritual source of Wisdom and destined her descendants to find that source within the sensory world. Through the actions of Eve, the creative powers of Woman became infertile and therefore needed to be fed by the external sources offered through Man—through Adam. Adam’s move alongside Eve assured that Mankind’s decent into density and ultimate independence would be assisted by intellectual developments that supported higher learning and that would eventually reacquaint Mankind, through the imaginative strengths of Woman, with supersensory discoveries aligned with the higher worlds. The male receptive inner soul was balanced by an active impress of Spirit that compelled his creative engagements within the sensory world. Woman ultimately became dependant on Man who, as a result of his devotion and protection, would mark a return to spiritual heights through the wisdom of Woman. Balance and collaboration between feminine and masculine energies, between Woman and Man, was and still is a key to the rightful progress of Earth humanity.

The active aspect of the soul that moved inward as Woman developed an outer feminine expression rooted within the solar plexus and permeated the vital body with Divine Wisdom. Through the impress of Spirit, Wisdom was united with Beauty and transformed into Purpose. Purpose can be considered as a feminine aspect of The Divine that is held within the lower conceptual body of both women and men; however, women carry purpose more securely. Purpose is an ennobling force for humanity.

The receptive aspect of the soul that moved inward as Man developed an outer masculine expression rooted within the solar plexus and permeated the vital body of men with Divine Beauty. Through the impress of Spirit, Beauty was united with Wisdom and transformed into Desire. Desire can be considered as a masculine aspect of the Divine that is held within the lower conceptual body of both men and women; however, men carry desire more strongly. Desire is an inspiring force for humanity.

The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine as held within the Unity of Two are the original sources of all diversity that is expressed throughout the creative world. Diversity stems from our associations with the feminine and the masculine aspects of the soul that through Spirit are impressed with heavenly forces. Needless to say, men can have effeminate expressions and women can have robust expressions. Sexual diversity unites us with spiritual energies that allow us to build upon our unique strengths within the Kali Earth timeframe.

This relationship between the forces of the masculine and the feminine was reiterated in the lives of Cain and Seth. The descendants of Cain were inspired by masculine and therefore active life expressions but were destined to obtain higher spiritual knowledge by toiling on Earth. Through the materialized landscape, they would gain scientific and mathematic advances that imitated the ways of Heaven and that would elevate life activities on Earth. But they would eventually need to overcome the material by acknowledging the spiritual in order to rightfully evolve and transcend the tainted weave.

Seth’s receptive response to Spirit elevated earthly progress. Without the spiritual insights of Seth and his descendants, who appeared as a lesser, more vulnerable humanity to Cain and his flock, all intellectual advances on Earth would fall short, and mankind would be lost in an illusion of false material relevance. Likewise, Seth alone cannot transcend a tainted world impulse. The education of Cain is what triggers the memories of a more spiritualized humanity.

The angelic, or Cain line on Earth was halted but did not end with the great deluge. As a united community of people, we hold both the Cain and the Seth influences within us. We are not Angels, nor are we godly, but we sure can carry Divine Persuasions alongside the best of beings. This dynamic plays out in our lives in regard to the two spiritual paths discussed in earlier episodes. A doctrine-oriented approach to spirituality is founded on faith and prioritizes sacred principles, while a liberal- oriented approach to spirituality is felt as inspiration and prioritizes intuitive discovery. Both approaches require discipline and are designed to balance and support the other, as well as humanity’s progress.

We can also note that we recently stepped out of the Kali age of the modern timeline. The last several thousand years reveal a slow awakening of Cain-like advances for humanity that now need to be elevated through Seth-like spiritual acknowledgements or they will lead us to ruin. In other words, it is time for us to be reacquainted with the higher worlds. We are here! We have made it! The welcome matt to the world of Spirit has been laid out for us, the veil is thinning, and the door is opening. Our futures, and especially those of our children as long as we guide them rightfully, hold exciting, sometimes terrifying, more often beautiful opportunities that are worth embracing so that we can step forward as genuine beings in gratitude of our past and the diverse lives we live that have brought us to this place in time.

Take care, Everyone <3


Read full Article
December 05, 2023
Ep7 Freedom Moves the Moon—Part Two
Spiritual Integrity and the American Persuasion


Dissent along the Cosmic Timeline
Active life begins with inspiration, but in order for growth to continue without simply repeating itself, life must meet challenges that disrupt the creative process. An interruption in the life experience must occur so that life can progress. A mother can hold her child in the womb but for a short period of time before she must release that child into the world, or both the mother and the child would obstruct the other’s life energies and perish. This holds true in unique ways for every stage of existence.

With that said, a slightest shift in the creative process began on Ancient Saturn that inspired the creative potential of future worlds. As we know, during Saturn Evolution, Heavenly Thrones streamed willful impressions onto the undifferentiated substance of Saturn and created the essential ether, which set the tones for all future manifestations. Within that sublime experience, an inspiring development took hold that was carried over onto Ancient Sun and that would continue to inspire growth throughout World Creation. I can describe this shift in the creative process by saying that the higher realms of Heaven paused in their responses to the lower worlds. Spirits who oversaw the willful creative energies of the Thrones rested their attentions on something other than Creation. They paused, and in that sublime pause, some of the work of Thrones was returned as Gifts of Glory from On High.

Heavenly Thrones were able to use the glorious energies showered upon them to establish the first of unique willful experiences within Creation that would come to define our world. Gifts of Glory from On High moved throughout the Saturn timeline and reached Archai spirits who were coming of spiritual age. Archai received the energies that were showered upon them with a pause of their own. They had never before lived through such a sublime experience, and their developments were momentarily interrupted. They responded with awe-inspired anticipation as they took in the impulses gifted them. This awe-inspired anticipation was carried into the world of Sun.

The exalted landscape of Ancient Sun was formed through the harmonies of Truth and Love. In those heavenly frequencies, awe-inspired anticipation was experienced in elevated ways. During the first half of life on Ancient Sun, all the developments that took place were expressed with the fullest sense of joy and gratitude. By the end stages of Sun Evolution, the slightest of cautionary revelations occurred that, for lack of better words, were expressed as anxieties of the mildest sort as a result of the exalted pause that called into play something else—there was something beyond, in the Highest Heavens, that was held in awe and deserving of reverence.

When the awe-inspiring impulses of Creation met with the magnetic environment of Ancient Moon, they were set on a slow, degenerative path that marked a gradual decline for certain heavenly spirits. Expressions of awe-inspired anticipation digressed, and a sense of longing crept in, along with apathy and self-oriented desires caused by wanting something that could not be obtained within the common world. Impulses of rejection divided the lower heavens as certain spirits outright denied the importance of the phenomenal world and other spirits denied elevated guidance in order to achieve relevance within the substantiated Moon environment. The most righteous spirits held a balance between the two.

By the time the exalted pause reached the evolutionary sphere of Earth, it was three worlds removed from the original source of awe-inspired anticipation that had been expressed on Ancient Saturn. On Earth, memories of Glory from On High were tainted in ways that led to ultimate isolation from The Divine. A sense of rejection from the Heavens became the root of all misfortune, and dense spirits exploited the isolation it caused humanity.

Even so, Truth arises out of isolation. A separation from The Divine is a fundamental part of our human spiritual journey.

Spirits of Rejection

In the twilight density of Ancient Moon, Dynamis of the Second Celestial Tier were in a position of creative authority. Their powers of motion under Divine Persuasion formed the magnetic ether associated with the Moon environment along with the astral-emotional body. As already discussed, some beings within the choir of Dynamis took in the rejection impulse and began working against the elevated movements of their peers. Dynamis had already been initiated into higher spheres of consciousness, and their status as the Fifth Heavenly Choir had been well established. Still, as Moon Evolution progressed, certain Dynamis were pulled into an isolationist strategy by yearnings of rejection. They became Spirits of Hindrance who worked against Divine Impulses of Creation. This was rather innocent at first. In subtle ways, their defiance was brought about as a result of weakened responses to Blessings from On High that had been received with far less appreciation on Ancient Moon than in the two preceding worlds. The rejection impulse was strengthening, and liberating forces were working into the human experience.

Dynamis who took in the rejection impulse and became Spirits of Hindrance opposed the Sun’s movement away from the lunar landscape and caused a great scene that shook up Moon Evolution. A schism arose within the Moon World that rippled throughout the lower heavens. Spirits of Hindrance began battling with rightfully aligned Dynamis and fell behind as the sun’s sphere of influence lifted away from the moon landscape.

Due to their inverted motions, Spirits of Hindrance did not fit in with the positive energies of the Dynamis who were evolving with the sun, and they struggled against the creative energies of Exusia, those Spirits of Conception evolving in the choir beneath them. While positive Dynamis worked in harmony with Exusia, negative Dynamis could no longer relate, and they fell into disrepute, so to speak. Because their energies were retarded, they regressed into the Sixth Heavenly Realm of Exusia where their regressive motions opposed rightful Spirits of Form. They became inverted spirits within the Sixth Heavenly Realm and positioned themselves as gatekeepers who burdened the natural progress of lower spiritual beings.

The repellant energies of Spirits of Hindrance pushed them to the furthest rings of space where they projected their discordant tones within the solar system and hindered the transformational streams of those Exusia working to build up the phenomenal world with integrity. To this day, Spirits of Hindrance warp the world of the five senses from their inverted positions. They hold the planets in material patterns that less-evolved life forms must transcend.

Spiritually, all lower celestial beings live within the life forces of higher beings, so a shift in the life energies of higher spirits is felt downward just like lower persuasion are felt upward. A particular Exusia latched onto the inverted energies of Spirits of Hindrance with a great deal of stubborn enthusiasm. He dedicated himself to impeding higher creative forces in extreme ways that countered the more patient evolutionary disciplines that Spirits of Hindrance had been compelled to establish. This darkened Exusia refused to evolve into unity consciousness with his peers. He took on impulses of rejection and eventually lost himself in a lie of isolation. He was a Spirit of Conception—a commander of form and transformational beauty who became obsessed with the workings of regressive movement. He drank in the rejection impulse and his growth became stunted. He was no longer able to relate to the harmonious powers of Exusia, nor could he work with advancing Archai of the celestial tier beneath him. Those rightful spirits were willing to rise with the Sun and were not interested in taking on the inverted powers that this being had become identified with.

In active life, the darkness of night is not equal to the light of day. Night is reflective and inward. Too much time spent absorbing nighttime energies can be regressive, whereas, daylight is conscious and energizing. On Ancient Sun, there was no need for night as we experience it on Earth. Ancient Sun held a perfect harmony of activity and receptivity. It was alive with Conscious Light as the Breath of Life was exhaled and inhaled within expressive brilliance.

During the time of Ancient Moon, the twilight landscape was not dense enough to experience a rotational night like that of Earth. Darkness and cold became regressive expressions linked to the magnetic attributes of Karma, or effective retribution, which was transcribed into Creation during Moon Evolution. Effective retribution is the justice component of the Kali Earth stage, and when Earth began its evolutionary course, Karma associated with Ancient Moon set the stage for earthly developments as related to the Law of Circular Form and burdened life with a holding pattern of emotional dialogues that must be overcome in the ascending side of the Kali timeline.
Through the Law of Circular Form, the actions of the past as well as those of the present are reflected into the future and keep Earth tied to the chaotic density of Kali. Yet, we have a built-in solar advantage. On Earth, daylight overpowers night two-to-one. We are generally awake sixteen hours for every eight hours we sleep. Light is on our side.

That darkened Exusia fell heavily into rejection and opposed the light of rightful spirits. He refused Conscious Light and those fellow Spirits of Conception whose realm is the sun. He absorbed inverted forces that led to selfish claims of power and isolated his soul from higher creative expressions. The degradation of this fallen Exusia hit the Third Celestial Tier, consisting of Archai, Archangels and Angels, with harsh and heavy consequences that could be likened to spiritual child abuse, for lack of a better analogy.

This fallen Exusia had already been initiated into certain conceptual powers of creative form building and became an inverted shape-shifter within the lower heavens. He hid in the depths of Ancient Moon, and when Earth Evolution progressed, he slipped into the night where the sun could not overpower him. He established himself in the negative space surrounding Earth, in what can be described as dense, negative ether. Rather than working with the light of substance, he used inverted forces to compress form and pull struggling personalities into his abyss. He created cold, dense environments that shadowed light. He became a spirit of darkness, the enemy of the Spirit of Light, of Ahura Mazdao. He became a Spirit of Falsehood, a satan— Ahriman. His stubborn grasp of the rejection impulse tainted the life stream of which he was connected, and those beings who fully gave themselves to him became Ahrimanic.

Meanwhile, another stream of the rejection impulse was influencing Moon Evolution. The wise persuasions of Dominations that had first been revealed on Ancient Sun lost some of their illuminating appeal on Ancient Moon. The hardening effects of Spirits of Hindrance trickled into the lower realms as spirits of the Third Creative Tier began turning away from Divine Blessings and disregarding their creative and evolutionary responsibilities. Knowledge alone began to define the world of form and also entrap beings within it.

Archangels are Spirits of Fire. They are illuminators of the mind, holding the transformative powers of Glorious Truth. Lucifer was an Archangel who became trapped in knowledge on Ancient Moon. Lucifer had looked upon Ahriman, the fallen Exusia, and was able to calculate those things that Ahriman had overlooked. He knew that the way downward through rejection of Spirit must lead upward again, and being the brightest of his realm, who better to lead the adventure into transformative consciousness than he?

Lucifer drank in the rejection impulse and began misusing his fiery appeal, his embodiment of heavenly warmth and knowledge, to manipulate lesser-evolved spirits. He journeyed into the realm of Angels where he played to the egos of awakening spirits and convinced some of them to reject the Laws of God. In doing this, he pulled other beings within the Third Creative Tier along with him.
Lucifer took in the rejection impulse while in full acknowledgement of the Divine Laws that must be upheld in a liberated world experience. He embodied intelligence while denying the love aspect of God. In that way, he betrayed his love of The Divine andallowed himself to feel betrayed by The Divine as a result. He preached inspiring rhetoric and progressive claims that led rebelling Angels away from Divine Truth as expressed through Love and in that way steered them into the gravitational path of Ahriman. Angels who followed Lucifer acted upon the rejection impulse with a degree of choice, and Lucifer betrayed their loyalties by tricking them into rebellion for the sake of creative progress.

Angels are highly devotional creatures, but Lucifer was of an elevated persuasion and wielded a strong influence. Those Angels who took to Lucifer began denouncing their evolutionary disciplines, and they grew sick in the tainted expressions disrupting Moon Evolution. They became Moon rebels, and a Moon cult of spirits formed. Higher beings who held the rebel Angels within their life energies were burdened away from other creative and evolutionary tasks in order to care for the diseased twilight spirits. Rejection and betrayal became the root of suffering, and those angelic beings who were tied to the rejection impulse as written into the false gospel of Lucifer became known as Luciferic Spirits.

While Lucifer established for himself a superficial relevance within the lower heavens, Ahriman became emboldened by the liberated knowledge on Ancient Moon. He took it upon himself to control knowledge and emasculate an evolving humankind from the Christ Source of Light and true illumination. Ahriman took on density and became gravity. When Earth began its evolutionary course, he slipped into Earth’s depths and pulled those higher beings within his life stream with him.

Ahriman landed hard in the lower realms of Earth, and it is said that his downward spiral gave him the inverted momentum to pull planetary Pluto into the world gravitational influence. Pluto’s orbit helps to build Ahriman’s inverted eighth sphere, the only creational sphere that a satan can fully claim. As Pluto orbits the sun, its heavy environment traps dense gravitational energies into a condensed ethereal realm around Earth. It has also been said that other planetary spheres were tugged into materialization as a result of Ahriman’s false-light gravitational pressures. Neptune, signifying the sphere of Seraphim, and Uranus, signifying the sphere of Cherubim, became materialization within the Creative World as certain beings within those higher realms strayed from devotional duties in responsibility of spiritually immature beings within their life streams who became tangled in a landscape of rejection.

Spiritually, the moon ties Earth to Karmic conditions that we must transcend in order to grow as more enlightened spiritual beings. The eighth sphere of Ahriman worksagainst enlightened progress and merit-oriented spiritual developments by enticing people with promises of an unnatural and therefore false immortality. The eighth sphere of Ahriman hosts a diseased reality that is void of moral laws and that betrays higher life impulses by isolating humanity from more elevated influences and rightful justice as supported by the Law of Cause and Effect.

We no longer need to wonder who is at the bottom of the inverted Earth hierarchy that is working to surveil and control humanity, because tying the entire network of inverted forces together is Ahriman, a satan—a spirit of darkness who isolates all those in his shadow from elevated life experiences. Influential people who have fallen onto Ahriman’s path want to be worshipped. They want to shock us with awe so that we respect them, and so they constantly wage war on the unfamiliar and vulnerable aspects of our lives. They need us to acknowledge their power and in that way bow to them, so they manipulate the world stage attempting to convince us that we need them—that we need their praise in order for us to be relevant, that we need their medicines in order for us to be healthy, that we need their foods in order for us to be fed, that we need their weapons in order for us to defeat our enemies, that we need their rockets in order for us to understand the cosmos. Soon, they will be telling us that we need them to be godly so that we can be elevated by their greatness. Through a lack of proper alignment with the higher worlds, we would usher false leaders into god-like positions of power, and we already known how they world rule. Humanity has been through this before in ancient times. They would be demigods of the worst order.

The rise in dark occult practices during this emerging age of intuition is not a coincidence. Disciples of the dark occult are no longer hiding their disdain for a rightfully aligned humanity. They wear their hypocrisies proudly while flaunting a militarized one-world government that serves to benefit only them.

Viola speaks to dark forces tied to the eighth sphere in a recall of night class. She says,

The Eighth Sphere is begotten of two parents: The Life of Substance and Substance itself. There is no spirit aspect as such. This life of substance is a black light. The progeny of this union are the misbegotten demons of darkness, the soulless spawn of evil because there is no spirit aspect. It is a hopeless sphere.


The Eighth Sphere had its origin on Pluto. Its creators are powerful and integrated human beings denying spirit and integrated at the matter polarity. The ultimate end of this sphere is annihilation because it endures for a time along with its creators. It is an evil center of power.


Denizens of this sphere are on the planet Earth with some of the creators of this evil. These demoniac beings are totally evil whereas their creators can never be totally evil. These demoniac beings are a temporary creation. They do the work of their creators in demoralizing and corrupting and terrifying mankind.


January 3, 1962

Steiner also speaks to this in The Foundations of Esotericism, Lecture 19, when he describes antagonistic, astral projections called Asuras that are artificially called forth through the distorted egos of fallen Moon beings. Through our immoral thoughts, which are intensified in the daydreamy numbness so prevalent in the modern world, and also in our meditations when we do not first align with higher impulses before expanding our consciousness, and, as well, in intoxicated states that pull us into false sensations of enlightenment, we provide nourishment for these asuric beings. They can weigh down our emotional expressions and cause havoc in our lives. Here again, alignment is key.

In the accounts of such cosmic excitement, we can pause in the anticipations that hindsight offers us. We are on the ascending side of earthly developments and are able to look upon the evolutionary past and see more clearly what our ancestors were up against. Our awe-inspiring past is worth remembering because it speaks to the present and will be expanded into the future.

As represented in the cosmic timeline, Earth was masterfully engineered by The Divine to evolve in support of our adventures of spirit. To be observed as well, the higher realms are becoming more visible during this time in ways that will inspire our health and wellbeing as genuine creative people. We are humans of Kali Earth, and the higher worlds demand our spiritual independence for the sake of the common good. Diversity of mind allows us to access the plethora of information available to us at this time so that we can rise to higher expectations of worth and prevail as a united choir of beings within the Tenth Heavenly Kingdom.

The Occult

In the modern high-tech information environment, dark remedies within the occult world appear all around us, and can tug an unsuspecting person, as well as a community of people, astray. Earth is a merit-oriented spiritual stage, and in that light, all higher knowledge requires discipline to achieve and integrity to hold. Higher wisdom reaches us through our alignments, which are merit oriented, making certain information seem mysterious for those who are not attuned to understand it. This is common sense; we know that in our daily lives, people carry diverse skill sets and knowledge that may seem strange or profound, even, to those people who have different interests and who have invested their attentions elsewhere. We all are genuine in the information we hold. Through our alignments, we gain access to elevated streams of information that are designed to support us as appropriate for our challenges and developments. Spiritual knowledge is uniquely charged with assisting people based on where we stand in life and is shared and assimilated in unique ways throughout the world. The foundation of that knowledge is consistent and principled because it is designed in the Heavens.

The mysteries are connected to the higher worlds, and the timing of knowledge that is released is thoughtfully planned. This is why mystery schools perk up for a time and then seem to disappear. They are generally known to promote positive advances through merit worthy approaches to spiritual practices. However, as messages relay into our world, they can become fuzzy and inaccurate within our dense environment, like a spiritual game of telephone with poor reception. And as time progresses, a culture can hold to practices that no longer reflect the growth of a people, and so they become regressive.

Mystery schools carry a fundamental importance in our world because they work to elevate Mankind from within the tainted influences associated with each age. It is understood within esoteric studies that mystery initiates were active in preparing the United States Constitution. In the early 1900’s at the dawn of the intuitive age, mystery schools were already influencing major decisions within the governments of the modern world. And yet, all esoteric practices are only as worthy as the intentions and devotions of the people who proclaim them. Rightful alignment, especially in this
intuitive age, is key.

It is worth noting that the effects of dark and misaligned practices always return to the
initiators of those practices. The deep state as we understand it today is filled with occult knowledge that is being used to synthetically elevate a small elite class of people who would rather manipulate and restrain natural spiritual advances than share those advances through stewardship duties that would relieve the sufferings of others. This speaks to why Ahriman’s eighth sphere, which promotes a synthetic immortality, is becoming more appealing to certain backward personalities. The eighth sphere resonates with misaligned souls who are desperate to avoid retributive responsibilities and who attempt to bypass karmic duties.

In the occult world, even more well-intended schools and practices can easily lend themselves to disturbed forces because they often confuse merit-oriented spiritual attainment with self-aggrandizing and false relevance within the world. Problematic occult schools are known to emphasize earthly perfection while utilizing rituals meant to bind and control spirits, good or bad, in order to direct those spirits to carry out certain tasks. My sense of such practices is that they are built on a foundation of misdeeds and reveal flaws in spiritual thinking that miss the mark on two fundamental questions: First, is perfection a noble pursuit for the spiritually initiated? Second, should Mankind attempt to gain control over the spiritual worlds?

In response to the first question, it seems quite obvious that the pursuit of worldly perfection triggers an ego-oriented relationship with identity that results in the appearance of enlightenment for the sake of status and relevance. Pursuits of perfection dampen the soul by emphasizing a cleanliness that is unobtainable on the Earth stage and that highlights appearances over merit-oriented obligations. In that way, practices involving earthly perfection too easily mislead a person to arrogantly reject and abuse stewardship duties. We live in a tainted world, yet our flaws affirm our humanity and reveal glitches that will uniquely contribute to our personalities as we allow rightful alignments and spiritual disciplines to gain relevance in our lives.

For the second question, rituals to control spirits assert a sense domination over rather than collaboration with the spiritual worlds, and they lead to gross abuses of power that disassociate a person from harmonious alignment with the Heavens. Only misguided spirits and vulnerable elementals can be bound to servitude through spells. Fallen Angels who did not rise into active consciousness on Ancient Moon and who are working to elevate themselves on Earth may, through obligation and misalignment, answer the call of a mediumship, a spell or an incantation. And that is where all forms of ritual magic fall short.

Within the spiritual realms, and with special emphasis on lesser-liberated spiritual beings, controlling tactics disrespect the evolving soul and too easily lead to contempt. All rightful spirits choose to actively participate in evolution. Anyone attempting to command a proper spirit will be left with a fast and strong retributive kick in the rear. Our alignments with The Divine afford us genuine connections with the higher worlds so that we can build healthy relationships with elevated spirits who are rightfully charged with assisting us. Through patience and discipline, divinely inspired beings will move closer to us so that we can develop natural interactions with them that transcend tainted weave influences.

Why is this important to know?

Because we are the Kingdom of Mankind, and our place among the Cosmic Hierarchy is the Tenth Heavenly Realm. We stand at the hallmark of human potential. The powers of The Divine have streamed throughout Creation and have presented themselves in the three ancient worlds that, one after the other, have evolved into our present day Earth. Higher spirits have dedicated their life activities to building and shaping our world in all of its complex and dynamic expressions so that we can earn our wings, or so the saying goes, as citizens of the heavenly realms. In this way, we lighten the obligations of higher spirits so that the entire creative world can take in more brilliance. An elevated humanity affirms the blessings of higher beings just as the wellbeing of a child affirms the devotional practices of a parent and, in that way, frees the parent to accept broader responsibilities and discoveries in life through peace of mind.

We are at the developmental cusp of creational potential, and it is within our evolutionary experience to receive Divine Persuasions and willfully direct them back into the world. We are Blessed Souls—Spirits of Truth-Affirming Love who are more than capable of receiving and sharing Blessings from On High.

We are survivors who have been shaped and polished in the densest stage of chaos of which the Divine Feminine patiently ensouls as a loving and faithful Mother, so that upon our coming of spiritual age as actively conscious beings, the world itself will awaken with us. We are the last stop. Through us, awe-inspired anticipation is returned to the world in genuine, life-affirming ways that will circulate to the ends of time.

Recognizing Lemuria

All of Creation exists in fullness, so as life moves forward, creative energies are absorbed and redistributed. New expressions bare the markings of older experiences. This is the way of the creative world.

As we can imagine, when Kali Earth began to take form, the signatures of Ancient Saturn, Ancient Sun and Ancient Moon needed to be transformed onto the new creative sphere to set the stage for Earth humanity. During the middle of the third Earth round, Exusia, those Spirits of Conception, took hold of Earth Evolution and began charging the Earth sphere with the magnetic, or chemical ether that in the then three-fold Earth man would form the conceptual body primed with the forces of the I Am revelation.

The conceptual body is nothing without Spirit, just as the astral body is obsolete without Soul and the essential body bares merely a compulsory shell without the vital body to enliven it. All three bodies are activated through I consciousness. In this early stage of development, the conceptual body was a holding form for the four- fold future awakened Mankind.

During the third Earth round, the environment was still misty and ethereal as Exusia prepared the conceptual form. The astral body that had first been prepared on Ancient Moon, the vital body that had been first prepared on Ancient Sun, and the essential body that had emerged in rudimentary form on Ancient Saturn were brought into further developments as spirits of the Third Celestial Tier, Archai, Archangels and Angels, advanced within their choirs through merit-oriented dedications that affected Earth and humanity. For the most part, all progress was made as though from the outside looking in because the active beings of the nine heavenly realms had advanced beyond the human experience.

On Ancient Moon, the human body had developed to an animated state that Angels had been able to incarnate and that reflected the liberated Moon experience. During the third Earth round, the human form could only express impulsive, animal-like lower instincts in relation to that time. The earthly form was still being prepared for the awakening human soul, and Mankind had yet to permeate the earthly body from within in a way that led to a mastering of the physical form.

As we recall, during Moon Evolution, the Moon became detached from the Sun in a development that Steiner refers to as the Extrusion of the Sun. At the end of the Ancient Moon timeframe, a drop in density occurred that marked the beginnings of Kali Earth. During the third round of Kali Earth Evolution, the Sun extrusion was experienced as an astral phenomenon, and the battle that had taken place on Ancient Moon due to the misaligned forces of Spirits of Hindrance played out within the lives of higher spiritual beings who were connected to Earth Evolution. A likeness of that time can be seen in the Enuma elish, the story of Babylonian Creation.

An internal drop in Earth density brought a division of seven epochs to Earth Evolution, and the Extrusion of the Sun was remembered in ethereal form toward the end of the second Earth epoch and into the third Earth epoch. So we are dealing with the Extrusion of the Sun during the Ancient Moon World, a separation of the sun as an astral phenomenon during the third Kali Earth round, and the sun that separated out from Earth as an ethereal phenomenon during the second and third Earth epochs that coincided with the emergence of the Lemurian timeframe.

Each Earth round is reset, in a way, by a short pralaya, or night between rounds. As a result, life progresses and transforms through the integrity of collected developments. During the first epoch of the Kali Earth round, a Saturn-like stage designed for the developments of the human body slowly materialized. This Saturn- like epoch was the first of seven more condensed and refined evolutionary periods that would occur during the central Kali Earth timeframe, and it positioned humanity in a deeper, more isolated experience. However, this first epoch was still highly spiritualized, and the human form gradually became incorporated in the most refined way, in what was a plasma existence of pure ethereal matter. This began as an akasha state, what is often said to be an arupa, or a thought-oriented formless beginning. A long, infant-like mineral-physical progression took place, and life was held in a womb-like environment as vibrational harmonies serenaded the landscape and encouraged developments. Life in sensory form emphasized hearing and touch, and reproduction occurred as a type of cell division with a complete incarnation passing from one form to the next, so that all the earliest impulses of Earth humanity were connected.

Following the Saturn-inspired Earth epoch, a Sun-like epoch materialized, and the refined human form was permeated with conscious harmonies that enlivened the mineral body with vital forces. Light and sight and instinctual intelligence were emphasized, as well as glandular developments that stored and distributed the impressions of the cosmos. Memories of the sun’s extrusion had been imprinted on the cosmic timeline, and the gaseous-like bodies being prepared during that time were instinctively urged upright as the sun began to ethereally separate from Earth. This slow ethereal event introduced space between the heavenly realms in a way that distinguished the planetary spheres.

If watching from afar, one would see the human physical body slowly develop. Human glands and internal organs matured and evolved so that reproductive instincts took in frequencies of the Earth, and creative instincts took in frequencies of the sun. Earthly forces penetrated the human body from within and held it accountable to the evolutionary process while solar forces shaped the human form in response to the evolutionary process. The developing bodies of humanity were held safely within the arms of Creation, but no longer in a womb. Life was full and long as celestial beings worked to generate prosperity within the human form through reproductive creativity. The bodies of Mankind were led in a somnambulist-like existence by higher spirits working to nurture and protect human developments.

After another inter-epoch pralaya, the third Earth epoch began, marking the descending Moon stage of mankind and the Lemurian timeframe. This was a childhood, pre-adolescent-like stage for Earth humanity that secured the astral- emotional body as inspired by the energetic markings of what took place on Ancient Moon. Much of what we know about Lemuria comes from Steiner’s lectures. Gigi Young has been diving into the subject as well and setting our accounts of Lemuria in order. I am going to add to the information through a brief study of Lemuria using the cosmic timeline and what we know about the Moon evolutionary sphere, which, as the third creative world, had an impact on Lemurian developments.

During the Lemurian epoch, Spirits of Conception were still working rather intimately with humanity to brighten the conceptual form and prepare the human body on Earth to receive the active soul. Conscious activities were urged, and the Am—what we can consider the active verb of human individuality as connected to the ego—was being integrated in an instinctual way.

The nurturing aspect during Lemurian evolution was a deeper expression of the nurturing aspect that had supported life developments on Ancient Moon. The female-Venus held the male-Mars, so that securing feminine persuasions cradled and protected enlivening masculine activities, and the masculine, in turn, strengthened and affirmed the developing feminine. For Lemurians, these developments occurred at a basic level and set the stage for a future Earth humanity.

The foundation of Lemurian life was receptive—feminine, while the forces working through the nurturing aspect were an outward-creative expression. The reigning Exusia worked to build up the human form, which, by all accounts, was still androgynous. The human body was highly malleable, but the world was contracting, and soon cell-like division would no longer be sustainable. Reproductive energies were stimulated that encouraged the separation of parent from child, and new life experiences began to emerge. The ethereal landscape that defined this time was a bright paradise, a heavenly garden fertilized through inspired activities within the lower heavens and designed to nurture human developments as long as humanity stayed within that higher ethereal arena and protected from denser and more isolated earthly conditions.

While the sun was still entwined with Earth, the human body was highly spiritualized and therefore of a state that was beyond the developments of a more densified landscape. Early Lemurians would have stayed in a radiant, infant-like existence had the sun not separated. Alas, the sun lifted away and left Earth entwined with the unfolding energies of the moon. This was a solar event that nudged humanity deeper into the Kali Earth stage where life activities were isolated from higher spiritual forces.

As the sun separation from Earth, strained and complex events that had taken hold on Ancient Moon relating to the Battle In Heaven seeped into the liberating Lemurian experience. As a result, life came with built in complications. Earth was left in the clutches of regressive moon energies that set the human experience back. Luciferic impressions circulated into Lemurian developments, and the landscape was plagued with tumultuous challenges. As long as the moon was entwined with Earth, the progress of Mankind was hindered due to the moon’s regressive effects. Remedying this, the Heavens set the moon on course to separate from Earth. This slow lunar extrusion introduced more space between each heavenly realm, and the organized hierarchies took on more fixed positions in the Heavens in relationship to planet Earth.

An interchange of activities played out on Earth resulting from stimulating solar frequencies and regressive lunar frequencies prior to the sun and moon extrusions. For a time, solar forces over stimulated life activities to the point of exhaustion until a separation from the sun and perceived fall from the heavens brought a sense of release. Life was also burdened for a time with intoxicating dense pressures until a separation from the moon and perceived elevation brought a sense of release. Both solar and lunar exchanges dramatized the human experience and opened a doorway for Lucifer and Ahriman to more intensely engage with humanity.

Luciferic spirits worked upon the emotions of Mankind during the Lemurian timeframe and stimulated solar memories that prematurely prompted Lemurians into elevated expressions. Those Lemurians rejected natural developments and began acting like demigods. These false heroes created a world out of their delusions, and as they circulated onto the Atlantean stage, helped to bring catastrophe to that time.

Ahrimanic influences were more persuasive during the Atlantean epoch when humanity was beginning to take on the conceptual form. Ahrimanic spirits worked upon the developing minds of humanity, which were still filled with innocence yet void of certain heavenly impressions that were no longer available to them. Ahriman stimulated lunar memories and with them a sense of betrayal resulting from forces that were thrust upon humanity by the battle that took place in the Heavens and that they had not invited upon themselves. Ahriman exploited Lemurian sensitivities in a way that only a satan could, and manipulated worldly events to convince humanity that he was their salvation. Based on our memories of the Atlantean catastrophe, many people of that time believed him.

The inverted forces of Lucifer and Ahriman tainted the Living Impulse of Earth so that extreme activities would work upon humanity like a pendulum that, to this day, pulls us into false enlightenments so that we fall back and double down on regressive dogmatic beliefs. However, we are alive on the upside of the Kali timeframe, and through our intentions as aligned with higher guidance, we can carve a way out of the briar patch of inverted forces.

Within our solar university, each heavenly choir is designated a planet in support of their evolutionary developments and in a way that is connected to the complexities of Kali Earth. Lower hierarchical spirits who had fallen behind and who were caught up in the distortions of Kali Earth did not so willingly recognize their evolutionary disciplines and brought confusion to the realms while they were still attached to Earth. Those devolved spirits in their still more lofty positions could barely relate to Mankind, and many of them disregarded their duties to help elevate Earth humanity into more righteous positions of authority.

Earth is the designated realm of Mankind by design, and as we progress as the Tenth Heavenly Choir, we are meant to move into harmonious authority of Earth. With this said, prior to the Moon’s extrusion, something rather amazing happened in the lives of Earth humanity. Lemurians responded emotionally and therefore magnetically to heavenly influences, and certain human souls became dynamically attached to other planetary spheres as those spheres were separating from Earth.

As a result of a blending of influences, some early Lemurians formed resonating bonds with the life activities of another realm within the solar system and became more strongly associated with the corresponding planet. These great ancestors of ours connected themselves to the materialized sphere of the realm of which they were devoted and, through their long lives, developed inner potentialities that allowed them to evolve onto the sphere of which they had been attracted as that realm further detached from Earth. In that way, human souls were able to escape into the heavens for a while and avoid incarnating onto Earth while lunar events were still burdening evolution. They were able to pass to the other planet rather than incarnate onto Earth. Reproductive energies were one of the compelling forces. The securest of earthly souls remained directly connected to Earth during that time.

After the moon separated from Earth, it no longer exacted such a harsh, calcifying influence, and Earth was prepared to support the souls of Mankind. Those humans who were patiently awaiting an earthly incarnation found proper portals onto Earth, owing their incarnations to Adam and Eve who, as a result of their premature excursions into density, had strengthened their bloodlines within the substantial world. The human form was still highly ethereal at that time with a developing astral body that brought about diversified life expressions.

As human souls began to fully incarnate on Earth, and as a result of the separation of the Moon event, feminine and masculine energies were charged within the body depending on the associations of the incarnating soul. This continued throughout most of Lemurian evolution and into the Moon development of the Atlantean epoch, the third Atlantean period, which, based on my understanding, coincided with a physical Extrusion of the Moon. In order for the feminine and the masculine to be fully expressed while in a densifying Kali sphere, creative forces needed to be properly prioritized within the body. For this to happen, a division of the sexes needed to occur, and this evolutionary development coincided with the separation of the Moon from Earth. Earth was then free to evolve at a more measured pace and in ways that reflected the soul potentials of Earth humanity.

During the Atlantean epoch, the essential body became sheathed with a physical appearance, and the human form was able to accept incarnating souls from Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. Viola also describes beings from Neptune. Such souls developed within the limitations of the different planetary sphere while under the persuasions of the designated choir of beings who governed that realm. Understandably, this brings fresh meaning to those times when we meet someone and feel like we are from two very different planets.

According to Steiner, the influences of the different planetary spheres also helped to shape the various races on Earth. So, to date, we have souls on Earth who had evolved for a time on another planet, and we have the human population as a whole that, after evolving through the Lemurian epoch and then the Atlantean epoch, was guiding into the present Earth stage through planetary forces that helped to shape our ancestral identities.

Viola is quite specific in the timelines she gives for interplanetary incarnations on Earth. She sates that during the Atlantean period of the third sub-race—the waning moon or Lemurian period of Atlantis, Venusians and Martians incarnated on Earth, with some coming in what can be described as spaceships, while Neptunians, Jupiterians and Mercurians incarnated during the fourth sub-race. During the fifth sub-race, which extended from the end of the fourth Atlantean period and into the fifth, Plutoneans came en masse and forced themselves upon Mankind using dark occult techniques.

It is interesting to note the distinction Viola gives between those beings who incarnated on Earth and those who traveled to Earth via spaceships. In the case of the people of Mars, a planet under the authority of Dynamis, influences imposed on the population by Spirits of Hindrance affected evolution on that planet. Earthly souls who had migrated to Mars and who incarnated onto Earth during the third Atlantean period are still present within our population and are our brothers and sisters— rightful citizens of Earth.

However, certain people among the population of Mars took in tainted influences in extreme ways and were responsible for the destruction of that planet. They betrayed the human experience, and rather than humble themselves in accountability and face retribution so that they could be spiritually redeemed and, therefore, continue to evolve in human form, they chose instead to side with Ahriman. They accepted a generic immortality to avoid their karmic debts. These devolved Martians have a long path ahead of them in order to rejoin humanity, and we can hope that some of them chose the redeeming path. The only way that these devolved Martians could escape Mars was via the advanced technologies that had helped to disrupt life activities and it is likely that some of them are helping to enforce the Ahrimanic agenda on Earth. It is understood within certain esoteric communities that those dark Martians who came to Earth via spaceship cannot incarnate into the Earth human body except, perhaps, if the human form is manipulated so that it can hold the synthetic experience—the false enlightenment that they embody.

It is not through coincidence but by design and the natural effects of the Law of Circular Form that our attentions are being pulled toward Mars as of late. As a united humanity, we are in denial of our evolutionary past, and this has made us vulnerable to manipulative, devolved beings who already have knowledge of that past. The destruction of Mars is working its way into our memories, which will be exploited by crafty opportunists if we are not careful.

The United States is a diverse community of people that can become an elevated nation of humanitarian progress. Yet, tainted influencers in positions of high authority have exploited our ignorances and our generosities, and have pushed destruction throughout the world in our name and without concern. They reveal their agenda through the lies and manipulations that they constantly promote.

The three Divine Laws that have been described in these lectures set the foundation for human developments as we move into an intuitive age and engage more fully in the creative buildup of our world. We are emerging as more conscious creative developers. Many of the amazing feats of Mankind’s past that were accomplished through the instinctual inspirations of higher beings have circulated out of the timeline to emerge anew through conscious inspirations. Yet, if we look closely, it appears that dark personalities are leading the charge on the world stage through creative developments that serve a misguided few and that push blame and discord unto the rest of us. Through our misalignments and misunderstandings, we are creating energetic misfortunes, asuras that perpetuate violence and unrest on and through Mankind. Tainted personalities would avoid responsibility and maintain power while pointing their fingers at We the United People. The unrest they have caused in the Middle East and elsewhere is an attempt to force God’s hand. And of course, God’s hand cannot be forced by humanity, so what these war-mongering cheerleaders seem to be really doing is ushering in a false savior, an antichrist, either by ignorance or by choice.

In her descriptions of planetary types, which I will dive into with more scrutiny in the next episode, Viola defines motivation and evolution from a spiritualized perspective that involves the spiritual education of Mankind and that I feel is worth sharing here. She states:

Motivation involves a line of development through many incarnations of the individual, of his attitude toward the human kingdom and responsibility to it, of his understanding of the great process of the universe—the plan and purpose on this planet, specifically, and his relatedness to it. Motivation deals with the relatedness to plan and purpose, and man as an individual with his own free will accepts this relatedness and responds to it.


Evolution in consciousness may be defined as that level of “idea frequencies” to which the individual can respond. He can, therefore, be put in an educational grade where ideas in the frequency band to which he can respond can be presented to him.

Our resonances with Truth and our strengthened connections with the higher worlds allow us to mature as a people so we can elevate our nation into an earthly position of stewardship and mediation, and in that way put in check the corrupt practices of destructive, war-mongering Ahrimanic actors. The Untied States has the potential of serving as a holding form of Grace, meaning a nation of merit-oriented inspiration on Earth. Our acknowledgements of the higher realms and those spiritual beings who have helped to shape our world will bring clarity into our lives so that we can hold more mature positions of understanding and action during this time.

Take care, Everyone,


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November 23, 2023
Ep7 Freedom Moves the Moon—Part One
Spiritual Integrity and the American Persuasion


Our knowledge of air as a life-sustaining element is derived from the simple observation that without air we die. Lack of air disrupts the human physical experience. We also know that air is different from the mineral formations we stand on and the bodies of water that refresh us because we can observe the distinctions. We can reason that the physical qualities of air are different than those of earth and of water. We cannot see air with our regular senses, and we may take air for granted; yet, we understand its importance.

We also know that the world as we experience it is material. Our world is filled with physical forms held within a landscape of gravitational pressures. How do we know this? A fish in water cannot see past the liquid veil of its surroundings. So how can we see beyond the material—how can we discern the material from that which it is not? To what do we draw the comparison to call out the material world for the dense reality it is? A consciousness stooped in physical expression alone should, in reality, know nothing other than the physical world.

As we know, we are not rooted in material form. The human consciousness knows of another world with higher frequencies of expression. In ages past, our great-ancestors more directly experienced this other world. Divine Persuasions penetrated the human being and filled our ancestors with impulses and anticipations stemming from the spiritual. We are en route to receive heightened spiritual persuasions in ways similar to our distant ancestors, yet through an awakened consciousness. Spirit is active in everything and always holds an underlying influence. Spirit is Truth, and since the mind is Spirit oriented and heart centered, Truth as connected to the spiritual, indeed, sets us free.


Divine Totality

An all-encompassing sum of experiences completes our universe. And it begins with Totality. All That Is And All That Ever Will Be is summed up in Divine Totality—the ultimate expression of Active and Receptive Divinity—Radiance and Essence in Complete and Divine Unity.

During the great cosmic pralaya, which we can understand as the night between
worlds, all of Creation is asleep within the receptive consciousness of The Divine. In that experience, Divine Totality is fully absorbed within the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine is Life Essence, also known as Divine Substance, Soul, Securer of Worlds, Receptive Divinity, Imagination, Intuition, Life-Preserving, Love, Beholding, Ennobling, Mother, Female.

We are alive in the active consciousness of the Divine Masculine. This we know and understand more fluently because we experience life consciously. The Divine Masculine is Life Energy, also understood as Divine Radiance, Spirit, Enlivener of Worlds, Creative Divinity, Will, Intellect, Life-Creating, Truth, Bestowing, Inspiring, Father, Male.

The Divine Masculine holds within Him aspects of the Divine Feminine. In life, the Active Divine draws upon the Receptive Divine and, in effect, awakens the Divine Mother from Her slumber and creates a perfect reflected image of Himself. The Active Divine and the Receptive Divine form Perfect Unity. From within this Unity, Christ is received—the Prince of Peace, the First Born, the Divine Son, the Beholder and Bestowing Master of Divine Equality In the Radiance of Conscious Light. Together, the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine and the Christ are united in the Highest Divine, the Absolute Holiest of Trinities, the Perfect Triad.

Life must first move forward before circling back. And the Divine Masculine needs a canvas to enliven with life expressions. The Divine Feminine takes it upon Herself to draw upon the Masculine within Her. She creates a perfect reflection as a gift for Her Divine Love, the Father of Creation, so that He can have a medium to work upon. She is of receptive consciousness, and so Her reflected image in the active world is a negative impression multiplied by a negative impression. This creates an eternal positive, what is referred to as the swirling void of chaos. This universal chaos is filled with unceasing possibilities that expand inwardly, internally. It is the abyss.

The Divine Feminine is Essence, or Soul, holding within Her aspects of the Divine Masculine, who is Radiance, or Spirit. She withdraws a part of Her essence to ensoul Her creation, the inward circulating abyss. The beheld chaos awaits perfection and, in that way, redemption. Her ensoulment of chaos creates undifferentiated form and what is referred to as quintessence, or sublime neutral warmth within the potentiality of Creation. The Divine Feminine isolates a part of Herself and through Her Love secures the worth of the creative world.

In response to this, Christ as the Divine First Begotten, holding a perfect balance of Life Energy and Life Substance—Divine Truth and Divine Love— produces the instrument from which the creative world is enlivened. Christ forms an image of Himself, which is then consecrated by the Father, and creates Divine Freedom in the form of the Holy Spirit. Together, the Father, the Christ and the Holy Spirit are united in the Divine Trinity, also referred to as the Universal Sacred Trinity or the Creative Triad.

  • The Father is the source of Creative Life and holds the Third-Ray Harmonies of Creation.
  • The Christ holds a perfect union of Truth and Love. Christ is the preserver of Creative Life and holds the Second-Ray Harmonies of Creation.
  • The Holy Spirit transforms Creative Life and holds the First-Ray Harmonies of Creation as the Spirit of Beginnings and of Endings.
  • The Mother ensouls chaos as the canvas for the creative world and lovingly embraces the beings of Creation.

The Divine Trinity resides in the Highest Heavens and permeates the ensouled world of chaos through numerous extensions of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, what can be understood as the Trimurti of the Vedas and represented as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Our Solar University

In a heavenly sense, life is perfection.
From an earthly point of view, life is far from perfect. We all progress at different
rates and in a variety of ways, each of us strengthening certain aspects of our personalities while ignoring and at times outright rejecting other developments. We often pull each other into our misaligned wanderings and act, quite frankly, as our own spiritual saboteurs, in ignorance of, as well as in denial of our relationships with the higher worlds.

Even so, for all of human history, since the beginning of time and up to the
present day, humanity has been guided by the brightest of spiritual beings to answer the charge of Divine Inspiration and to advance as life-conscious souls. Divine beings are far more advanced than us and have always been present during our evolutionary developments. They are our guiding inspirations for life growth and prosperity.

The organization of the hierarchies is designed as an advanced learning system, a solar university that holds twelve creative kingdoms, nine of which directly persuade us and, in turn, are receptive to the influences of planet Earth. Spirits of the heavenly realms participate in the creative processes of our world in a multitude of ways and with varying degrees of authority. Each celestial realm holds beings who went through a human stage of development, a spiritual coming of age much like what we are going through on Earth, where they gained active consciousness as appropriate for their tasks and accomplishments. We, the collective human race of Earth, reflect certain aspects of the social structures of higher kingdoms in the positions we hold within our families and our larger communities.

Our solar university is home to three active creative tiers, each consisting of three heavenly choirs of spirits. Beings of the first, second and third heavenly choirs, consisting of Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, make up the First Creative Tier within our solar system. This first tier is known as the Sacred or Holy Trinity and reveals Divine Engineering at work, with Heavenly Seraphim engineering the creative process by building up the blueprints of Creation according to the Divine Plan. Cherubim are orchestrates of that plan, making sure that each phase of the creative cycle is organized and managed, while Thrones execute creative developments at the highest skill level. These most sublime of heavenly beings distribute the directives of God throughout the Heavenly Hierarchy in a masterful arrangement that promotes growth and development throughout each kingdom, including the Kingdom of Mankind, what is to be the Tenth Heavenly Realm within our solar system. As seen through a western lens, this culmination of Divine Persuasions is revealed in the Yuga System of World Evolution.

Solar Authorities and the Yuga Arc

In Hindu cosmology, the life cycles of the world are measured in ginormous swaths of time called Yugas. In the western system that I am familiar with, the Yuga System of World Evolution forms a cyclical hierarchy of seven world stages. I have been a bit lax in using consistent terms, so to clarify, I will refer to the main seven Yugas as worlds, the seven divisions within each world as rounds, the seven divisions within the rounds as epochs, and the seven divisions within the epochs as periods, which are further divided into eras and also ages. I play with the words stage-s and cycle-s in general ways.

The most sublime Yuga is Satya Yuga. Satya is considered a golden time of spiritual communion with The Divine. The nurturing aspect that influences life activities during Satya holds a perfect unity of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Saturn Evolution was a Satya experience that, through the creative energies of Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, transcribed the Will of God into Creation. Another Satya cycle will occur when the seventh sphere of World Creation takes form. That world is too removed from our current experience to speak about with any clarity, except to say that it will be a sublime experience that Mankind is destined to participate in as far more elevated beings.

Heavenly Thrones are in creative authority during Satya. On Ancient Saturn, Thrones were responsible for infusing into Creation the ethereal landscape that would evolve into the phenomenal world and for creating the rudiments of the physical body. Working beneath Thrones were beings of the Second Creative Tier: Dominations, Dynamis and Exusia who, as extensions of The Divine, were the leading spirits, or “acting gods” during that most sublime time.

Thrones are invested in the Satya experience. It is my understanding that after old Saturn is transformed into the Vulcan evolutionary stage and the second Satya cycle is completed marking the end of the current cosmic timeline pertaining to Earth and our solar system, the choir of Thrones will be in position to evolve into a more elevated exchange with The Divine. Within the deep regions of our solar system, the Third Heavenly Realm and Kingdom of Thrones has been designated a materialized sphere known as Saturn with an orbiting ring that marks the threshold of their realm as well as the threshold of the lower Heavens.

Next comes Treta Yuga, a silver stage of God-inspired thought and leadership
that radiates Harmony and Unity into Creation in the form of Divine Equality. The nurturing aspect that influences Treta life holds a divine balance of masculine and feminine energies as was expressed on Ancient Sun. Ancient Sun has evolved into the central star of our solar system. We are on course to return to Divine Equality on the sixth world of Creation, what is referred to by Steiner as the Venus World.

As I understand the cosmic timeline, Dominations of the Fourth Heavenly Realm are dedicated to the exalted Treta dynamic and will continue to hold wise counsel of the Sun until it is transformed through the second and final Treta cycle. On Ancient Sun, Dominations were responsible for infusing into Creation the solar ether, also known as the light ether or thought ether, and also for preparing the vital body for humanity. Working under the creative authority of Dominations were Dynamis of the Fifth Heavenly Realm, Exusia of the Sixth Heavenly Realm and Archai of the Seventh Heavenly Realm. Dominations have been designated the materialized planet known as Jupiter. Jupiter signifies Ancient Sun’s place within our solar system, and its planetary orbit allows us to glimpse the outmost regions of the heavenly kingdom of Dominations.

Dwapara Yuga is considered a bronze stage of waning guidance from Divine Spirits where a de-parenting takes place and where Divine Freedom is bestowed upon Creation as a merit-oriented spiritual achievement. The nurturing aspect during Dwapara is symbolized as the feminine holding the masculine, so that feminine developments ennoble masculine advances, which, in turn, support feminine achievements, as was experienced on Ancient Moon. The Ancient Moon evolutionary sphere was expressed as a descending Dwapara stage that will emerge again in more evolved form as an ascending stage brought forth in the fifth creative world.

The spirits in creative authority during the liberating Dwapara cycles are Heavenly Dynamis. On Ancient Moon, Dynamis were responsible for infusing into Creation the sounds of the magnetic, or emotional ether, and preparing the astral body for humanity. Working beneath the directive of Dynamis are the choirs of Exusia, Archai and Archangels.

Dynamis are dedicated to the Dwapara experience and will continue their
commitments until the end of the fifth world cycle. They have been designated the materialized sphere of Mars. As it orbits around the sun in relationship to Earth, Mars allows us to glimpse the outer ring of their kingdom. It is understood in esoteric studies that prior to the Sun’s extrusion during the Ancient Moon World, the lunar stage extended to the ring of the astral belt, which, in physical appearance, reveals remnants of the liberating battle that took place during that time. Ancient Moon is no more; however, the planet Mars signifies its place within our solar system.

The most challenging and therefore defining Yuga is Kali Yuga. Kali is a hardened time of life experiences that take place in a tainted landscape. Kali life isolates Mankind from elevated heavenly forces so that a complete de-parenting can take hold in a way that inspires human spiritual maturity and that consciously elevates the soul. By my account, Kali is a singular iron stage of development. The nurturing aspect for Kali holds feminine receptivity within masculine activity as was discussed in Episode Five: Equality Elevated. During Kali, the masculine holds the feminine and in that way secures creative life energies and the survival of humanity; the feminine, in turn, supports and affirms masculine developments.

The Sun’s evolution into the fixed star of our solar system and the source of Conscious Light was celebrated throughout the ancient world with emphasis on various sun gods. Exusia of the Sixth Heavenly Realm are the “acting gods” in high authority during the challenging Kali cycle, and their designated home is the sun. Exusia are the creative form builders within our solar system and are responsible for infusing into Creation the life ether and preparing the conceptual body for Mankind to master the ego and elevate the soul into active consciousness. Their life impressions stream from the sun and hold the signatures of Creation that keep our world and our bodies in alignment with precious elements as produced through the sun’s alchemical activities. Working under the authority of Exusia are angelic beings of the Third Creative Tier: Archai, Archangels and Angels.

Through the Yuga system, we are reminded that The Divine has set the stages of world evolution. It is worth noting that if we can engineer things on Earth, than we should hold no doubts that The Divine has engineered the cosmos to support life achievements. If we can perform major productions, orchestrate grand symphonies and build up governing systems on Earth, then most certainly The Divine has already done so in the Heavens. If we can organize our communities into careers and services whereas people hold dedicated tasks, then obviously The Divine has inspired our cooperation and is therefore dedicated beyond measure to healing our isolation and loneliness so that we can enter into more meaningful relationships with the higher realms.

At the conclusion of Kali Yuga, solar developments within the human experience lead us upward so that life develops from chaos to order—from condensed expressions to enlightened achievements. Within the Yuga System of World Development, each consecutive world slowly brings Creation into full maturity and unity.

Life imitates life, and the expressions of Mankind stem back to the beginnings of Creation. We are here, at this moment along the cosmic timeline, because we have worked our way into the evolutionary process. We are survivors on the Earth stage because Divine Beings assisted us and because our ancestors helped to carry us into the present so that, right here and right now, we can share this Moment In Truth.

Ensouled Potential

At the dawn of world evolution, the Divine Father acted upon ensouled chaos by enlivening it with harmonies of life expression. Harmonies of the Father united with the Essence of the Mother and created Perfect Unity in the womb of Creation. This state of world development is referred to as the Saturn condition and was a womb-like experience that acted as a portal, or doorway to the phenomenal sensory world. Ancient Saturn held within it all the creative possibilities of our solar system. It was the most sublime physical expression. At the heart of Saturn was the ensouled potential of Earth Humanity, surrounded by Angels, Archangels and Archai who were slowly awakening in consciousness. Exusia, Dynamis and Dominations encircled the lower spiritual beings and worked their persuasions into Creation. In the higher regions, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim held the creative world with the highest of impressions.

Near the beginning of Saturn Creation, Heavenly Thrones of the Third Celestial
Realm streamed Divine Will and built up warmth within the undifferentiated ensouled chaos. Archai achieved awakened consciousness in the fiery warmth. They took in the element and began mastering their egos—the fire dragons of ancient lore—in the warmth of Saturn. They became Spirits of Selfhood—of Personality, the first fire-breathers of the cosmos who brought the ego into relationship with the evolving creative world.

It can be said that Archai experienced an initial awakening development on a solar system predating ours, and so their sublime spiritual coming of age was a confirmation and further refining of their evolutionary advances in a way that charged, or primed the creative world with self-expression. The selfhood obtained by Archai had been hard earned by them on a previous timeline and carried potentialities that would further the creative experience.

On Ancient Saturn, Archai advanced as Spirits of Personality. They played within the sensory landscape and built up a world of sublime experiences. The more advanced among the Archai were exalted in self-expression and became great magicians of their time. Their creative impressions were like living thought reels. They shared sensory-oriented activities that entertained the cosmos and were celebrated by higher beings. The productions also impacted the dreams of Archangels, Angels and, yes, even the souls of future Earth humanity still slumbering in consciousness.

The Archai awakening marked the primeval beginnings of the human experience within the cosmic timeline. Their activities presented a sublime enchantment to the evolutionary world. The soul consciousness of Mankind pierced through the enchantments from a position within the Heavens. We created what Rudolf Steiner calls a germinal predisposition, or a thought embryo. So at one side we have consciousness as aligned with the Heavens, and on the other side we have complete and utter forgetfulness as attached to the phenomenal world, with a simple spark—a desire for life—uniting the two.

Through the activities of Archai, the first stage of the phenomenal world was enchanted into Creation, and within that experience, the souls of Mankind were already working to establish the Tenth Heavenly Realm. Thrones of the highest order bestowed the thought embryos of Mankind with willful energies of transformation as connected to the highest of soul life attainment, what can be understood as the will aspect of the soul that takes the form of Atma. This was a true gift from a heavenly godparent. This aspect of Creation is expressed within the womb of a mother every time she conceives. Within the womb, incoming souls reach down from the Heavens, and The Divine aids humanity through the blessings of higher spirits who inspire the soul with life activities.

The developments of the spiritual coming of age of the Archai were imprinted within the creative world, and Archai were eventually elevated as Spirits of Triumph—the first of creative beings to claim their full personalities within the cosmic timeline pertaining to our evolutionary world. They hold the threshold from the phenomenal world back to the world of Spirit.

The actions and enchantments of the Archai were recorded in the highest ether, so that as life on Saturn was brought to a close, the imaginations of Archai were preserved in form just as the essence of all Creation was and still is preserved by Christ. Through the memories of the Spirits of Triumph, the harmonies of Saturn were carried to the world of Sun along with impressions of the physical body and the sensory organs in rudimentary form, including the main sensory organ of Earth humanity—the heart.

Intelligent Luminosity

The Sun World was a vibrant stage filled with fiery perceptions and air-like inspirations. Just as we utilize the physical body as our densest form, Dominations hold the lives of Archai as their densest concentrations, and so the memories of the choir of Archai were shaped into the vital ether of Sun through the understanding of Dominations of the Fourth Celestial Realm who rose to creative authority on the Sun Evolutionary World.

On Sun, the Conscious Light of Christ streamed forth through the Perfect Union of Essence and Radiance that had been established in the womb of Saturn. The doorway to the Heavens was open, and Heavenly Light poured onto the Sun, filling it from within and illuminating the ethereal landscape. Centered within the Sun was the ensouled potential of the animal kingdom held within the dream activities of Earth Humanity, along with Angels and Archangels who were slowly awakening in consciousness. Their restful activities were supported by the nurturing expressions of Archai, who had awakened on Ancient Saturn and were furthering their active participations within the creative world. Surrounding the flora-like heartbeat of Ancient Sun, Heavenly Dominations streamed Divine Wisdom in the form of intelligent luminosity and built up the vital ether, what can be understood as the thought ether of the Sun World. Dynamis and Exusia actively worked to animate and shape the luminous Sun expressions.

Dominations bathed the creative world of Sun with conscious wisdom and in that way prepared the stage for Archangels to awaken from slumber and achieve active consciousness. It is my understanding that Archangels, too, had begun their spiritual coming of age on an earlier ascending timeline of a world evolutionary system, and they were one stage behind the advancing soul activities of Archai spirits. Archangels refined their spiritual developments by incarnating into the mineral bodies that were being prepared on Ancient Sun. The solar expressions had been impressed with intelligent activities and had evolved into plant-like forms with rudimentary glandular systems.

Archangels matured in consciousness in those evolving plant-like bodies and were inspired by higher spirits to rise to the most perfect expressions of the Sun World. They took in Conscious Light and then expressed it outward. They became Spirits of Fire—of Illumination, the second fire-breathers of the cosmos whose inward warmth brought the ego into a fresh relationship with the transformed creative world. They began mastering their egos—the air dragons of ancient lore—in the light of the Sun World while strengthening the enchantments of Archai Spirits. The most exalted of the Archangels became great illuminators of their time. Their life-affirming activities were etched into the highest ether of our world system.

The inert consciousnesses of Earth Humanity absorbed all that was available to them on Ancient Sun. We furthered our journeys into awareness as inspired by the actions of the Archangels and managed to form a second thought embryo. Heavenly Cherubim showered the awakening thoughts of Mankind with the powers of Divine Revelation, what is understood as the harmony aspect, or Buddhi of soul potential. This was a second gift from a spiritual godparent.

At the close of Sun Evolution, spiritual forces associated with the constellation Scorpio brought an end to the developments of that world. The dissolution did not signify a permanent death, but a time of reflection in acceptance of all that had been accomplished. The doors to the Sun Evolutionary World closed, and the dawn of a fresh evolutionary stage was on the horizon.

The Moon Evolutionary World

Ancient Saturn was a sublime world of quintessential warmth that served as a doorway into the phenomenal experience in the expression of a planetary womb.

Ancient Sun was an exalted world of Perfect Equality as expressed through Conscious Light and the illuminating activities of higher beings. Ancient Sun served as an early childhood-like stage of planetary evolution.

Ancient Moon was a passionate world of liberated expressions that took the form of a pre-adolescence stage. Divine Freedom was ushered into Creation, and developing life activities were charged with the duality of attraction and repulsion, of elevation and devolution—of good and of bad. On Ancient Moon, the third ether of the Living Impulse was brought into world development, and the astral-emotional body was affirmed.

Higher beings work in amazing ways to enchant the world so that humanity has a proper place to develop and mature. As we can imagine, the first and second rounds of Moon were dedicated to bringing into further evolution the essential-ethereal body that originated on Ancient Saturn and the vital- ethereal body that originated on Ancient Sun, so that together on the Moon evolutionary sphere, they would be a suitable instrument for the creation of a third ether body—the astral-emotional body.

Ancient Moon had a complex magnetic environment filled with emotional stimulus. The glandular system that had been prepared in rudimentary form on Ancient Sun was exposed to new activities on Ancient Moon. Freedom was expressed as a stimulator of life growth and development, and life was sustained through two reproductive activities. The first activity prioritized the creation of physical offspring, and the second activity emphasized the creative buildup of the lunar environment. Both of these activities were wholly guided through the directives of higher spirits working within the liberating Moon world.

Spirits of Dynamic took charge as creative authorities of Moon Evolution. They streamed their motions into the landscape and prompted the creative world with notes that resonated the music of the spheres of which all forms become available and prepared the magnetic ether, also known as the chemical or sound ether. The magnetic ether guides the course of animal evolution, and because of its fluctuating rhythms stimulates emotional charges geared around attraction and repulsion. The astral body is magnetic in nature, and we observe the astral body within us as emotional impulses. This is why spiritual teaching prioritizes emotional maturity. We must reign in the forces connected to the astral body so that we elevate our experiences.

Dynamis hold the lives of Archangels as their densest expressions, and they impressed into the magnetic ether memories of the activities of Archangels on Ancient Sun that held, as well, earlier memories of Archai spirits that had been first expressed on Ancient Saturn. As astral life was established on the Moon evolutionary stage, beings required different environments so that Divine Freedom could be expressed. As a result, the Sun and the Moon had to separate in order to bring both spheres into fuller developments. An evolutionary event that Steiner refers to as the Extrusion of the Sun occurred, and freedom expression was ushered into the course of Creation.

During the Extrusion of the Sun event, the Sun slowly discharged the Moon, and the elevated persuasions of consciously active beings withdrew in varying degrees from Moon Evolution along with the Sun. As the Sun pulled further away, the newly liberated world of Moon was exposed to fresh ideas in the forms of animal expressions. Animal-like beings along with plant formations that had first sprung into development on Ancient Sun had to turn upward because their source of Conscious Light was slowly moving away. Impulses from the Sun streamed downward, and those creatures that lifted their heads gained broader physical access to their surroundings. Their forms were still flexible and buoyant; at times they absorbed each other, while other times they repelled one another.

It came to pass that not all beings in authority of Ancient Moon were compelled to evolve with the Sun as it separated. Emphasis can be placed on certain Dynamis who acted upon impulses of rejection and became Spirits of Hindrance. In The Spiritual Hierarchies; Lecture 10, given in Dusseldorf on April 18, 1909, Steiner states,

“For the good of humanity, certain Mights or Spirits of Motion [Dynamis] had to receive adverse commands. These were not evil at first, one need not consider them as evil Powers; one might even say they sacrificed themselves by putting obstacles into the way of development. Therefore, these Mights may be called the gods of hindrance, of impediment, in the widest sense of the word. ... These ‘adversely- commanded’ Mights were not yet evil in themselves; on the contrary, they were the great promoters of development, promoting it through the storms they produced, but they were the breeders of evil; for, out of the storms they produced, evil gradually arose.
Düsseldorf, April 18, 1909

Near the central Moon stage, Angels moved into active consciousness and were able to incarnate into the lunar forms that were being prepared. The influences of the Spirits of Hindrance had already taken hold, and Angels who were ready to have a go at I consciousness did so in a passionate Moon environment that hosted unique and liberated experiences. The diverse Moon bodies were unencumbered by intellectual organs and gravitational challenges. They were animal-like in presentation, and angels learned to master the physical form while navigating instinctual impressions. They were swayed by the influences of attraction and repulsion that encouraged concepts of right and of wrong. Rightful impulses allowed life streams from higher spirits to fill the inner being and guide their adventures. Wrongful impulses sickened an Angel with selfish influences that stunted spiritual developments.

Some Angels did not fulfill their evolutionary duties because they had become ill with selfish impulses of rejection. At the end of the Moon evolutionary timeline, diseased Angels were not prepared to evolve upward, nor could they naturally incarnate into the physical Earth body that was designed for Mankind. They held heightened spiritual expressions compared to the world of Mankind, but their astral forms were retarded. Some of these rebel Angels found their ways into ancient texts and storylines through advanced healing powers and manipulative interactions. They became men of renown, the Nephilim of ancient times. Others found themselves written into folklore as unrelenting gods. Most were simply referred to as fallen spirits.

Contrary to the destructive attitudes of diseased spirits, healthy Angels elevated their life activities while working through the liberated Moon experience. They became Spirits of Twilight, the third fire-breathers of the cosmos whose liberating activities brought the ego into a newly defined relationship with the creative world. They set the stage for the dawn of Earth humanity and mastered their egos—the water dragons of ancient lore—in the diffused twilight of Ancient Moon.

In the stimulating, sensory Moon landscape, Angels built up a world of passionate interactions. The more advanced of Angels were exalted in self- expression and became devotional leaders of their time. Their compelling compositions impacted the souls of Earth humanity still resting in a dreamy existence. The active consciousnesses of Mankind pierced through the mystical world. We furthered our journeys into awareness by creating a third germinal predisposition.

From elevated heights, Seraphim bestowed the thought embryos with Divine Being, imprinting within them the powers of conception and Divine Memories of the Manas Presence, the sensory aspect of the soul. The Atma Presence that had been received on Ancient Saturn and the Buddhi Presence that had been received on Ancient Sun united with the Manas Presence that was gifted on Ancient Moon. A trinity of heavenly impressions was established that awaited the spiritual coming of age of Earth humanity, this due in gratitude to the unconditional life-affirming encouragements of God as extended through the Celestial Order and presented on a cosmic arc that culminated in the definitive creation of the Kingdom of Mankind whose evolutionary stage is Earth.

Law of Circular Form

At the central cusp of world creation where and when all creational forces culminate into a decisive Kali stage, a strategy of balance must prevail. Divine Balance is revealed in Perfect Equality. The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are complimentary forces that unite in the form of Divine Balance and secure unity within the solar system through the united forces of Truth and Love, of Joy and Gratitude, of Understanding and Compassion, of Beauty and Wisdom, of Desire and Purpose, of Clarity and Focus. Through Divine Unity, the Divine Son came into Creation as the conscious Light of Christ, our Breath of Life.

The Unity of Two as designed in the Heavens supports balance within our solar system, as do three Divine Laws that are discussed in these lectures. We know one of these Laws as the Law, Like Begets Like. Another Divine Law is the Law of Cause and Effect. A third Law as I recognize it is the Law of Circular Form.

In the Heavens, the Law of Circular Form holds the spiraling energies of the creative process that encourage the new while dissolving the old as life moves forward and eventually circles back to The Divine. Each larger event stimulates smaller experiences that inspire larger expressions in a unified cycle of Creation. On Earth and in our daily lives, the Law of Circular Form is expressed in the adage, What comes around, goes around. This Law will come in handy while we study the past moving forward!

Based on the Law of Circular Form, history affects our present as well as our future, and the greatest part of human history is spiritual. When spiritual insights are elevated, we can see that life progresses with a sense of charm and harmony. When spiritual insights are ignored, life lacks a true sense of appeal and substance. This is especially true in regard to world evolution and the human timeline. We are at the dawn of an intuitive age, and intelligent observations alone can only scan the surface of the phenomenal world, revealing to us partial truths that do not support human integrity.

Spiritual ineptitudes draw out the worst in us. When we refuse spiritual insights, we create voids in our conceptions of the world that are eagerly filled by opportunists who act like gatekeepers against Truth in order to elevate their relevance and influence in a material field. Historical facts are always limited when approached from one angle. For that matter, they are limited as well when approached only through the impressions of one Angel. Many viewpoints are necessary for us to piece together a fuller picture. And in order to that—in order to get to the substance of human history, we need to use new senses—the antennae of the psyche—to grasp the spiritual nature of our world. This is where the planetary records, also known as the Akashic record, come into play.

Planetary Records and the Astral Light

History is in the past, or so it seems, and when it comes to the developmental activities of history, it is hard for many of us to dive into yesterday let alone an evolutionary stage set eons apart from where we stand today. We have two interesting tools that can help us rediscover our Memories In Truth as they apply to human history: the Law of Circular Form and the planetary records.

Viola Petitt Neal describes the planetary records as the recordings of everything that has ever happened—of the physical, astral and the mental events within our solar system. These recordings are brought together in the highest planetary ether and are much like moving pictures that through proper discipline we can access by seeing and interpreting them. All evolutionary impressions concerning us and our planet are imprinted on the highest ether of our world. Accessing the planetary records correctly is tricky business and takes proper alignment, patience and discipline. Of course, alignment is always key! Without disciplined training and the rightful companionship of higher guidance, skilled clairvoyants will misread the planetary records and reach faulty and confusing conclusions.

Viola states that the planetary records will help us to “understand history as it truly happens.” In her recall of night class, December 10, 1961, she explains,

“These recordings would also help us to see the principles behind them; what the events of history meant, why they happened, how the human race made the actual historical events that affect the planet insofar as history and society and culture go.”
December 10, 1961,

As we advance into an intuitive age, a reckoning of Truth occurs for humanity. We are developing a truth-oriented consciousness, and those as-of-yet rare people, like Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Casey who were able to tap into planetary records, are able to lead the way. We will slowly learn to access and organize general readings that support our health and wellbeing, while more disciplined personalities will have access to higher swaths of information that allow them to tap into recent events as well as our deeper evolutionary past. Different viewpoints will allow us to broaden the scope of health, human history and the various events that helped to shape our world. However, caution must be taken in our studies. It is up to each and every one of us to strengthen our inner resonances with Truth so that we can relate to higher fields of learning and call out misinformation specialists for their confusions and wrongdoings. As we strengthen our resonances with Truth, we will build conscious alliances based on spiritual integrity.

Higher guidance is not linked through intelligence, although intelligent people hold higher knowledge in smart ways. Intellectual acuity must be spirit oriented in order to support the intuitive discoveries of our time. Needless to say, many people who perceive themselves as intellectuals are quite dull and toxic spiritually because they have placed their faith in material incentives rather than aspiring toward higher truths.

As a united humanity, we hold the potential of empowered learning. Yet, materialistic associations of the spiritual are isolating us from God-inspired Truth and Love, which relay into the physical experience as Divine Beauty and Divine Wisdom. Our associations with material relevance have warped our creative energies and have many of us acting quite bizarre. We have allowed ideological practices that lack humility and integrity to muddle simple concepts of Love and Truth. This is clean through a mere glimpse of our present evolutionary state. Good-hearted people who would otherwise support humanitarian efforts and sustainable environmental practices have instead joined neocon forces and have aligned with greedy corporate interests and deep state initiatives in support of the military industrial complex and the war machine, as though it is perfectly righteous to claim tyranny abroad while abandoning decency and justice within our communities and along our boarders. The inner life of American Democracy has become weighted with lies and abuses. Signs of corruption and our ignorance to do anything about them speak to how forgetful and easily manipulated we have been.

But, I digress.

Viola explains that even without directly viewing the planetary records, we can
observe a general picture of the state of humanity through our environment. She states that the “energy patterns of the consciousness of a people” are expressed in architecture and in art, while the “energy patterns of the life of a people” can be observed in our religious and political convictions. The ways in which we build up or destroy our world speak to who we are as a people.

In light of all this, we have the advantage of living on the elevated side of the cosmic timeline. We are positioned to pull ourselves and our communities out of the briar patches of modern day chaos through our willingness to genuinely connect to higher persuasions that can better shape our world. Our acknowledgements of the planetary records along with the fact the we all contribute to the spiritual foundation of the modern world is a small step forward that holds outstanding results.

Steiner describes the planetary records as the Akashic record, or writings of the astral light. Like Viola, he expresses that humanity is evolving to read and utilize the planetary records, and this is a natural development. In his lecture, Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation, The Tasks of the Michael Age, Lecture Six, he states:

You see, my dear friends: just as our inner memory of the common things that we experience in earthly life preserves them for us, so too the astral light preserves for us what we have written in it. The astral light is spread around us—a fully written tablet with respect to the secrets, which we ourselves have inscribed. There we must read, if we would find the secrets once more. It is a kind of evolution-memory, which must arise in mankind. A consciousness must gradually arise that there is such an evolution-memory, and that in relation to former epochs of culture the humanity of today must read in the astral light, just as we, at a later age, read in our own youth through ordinary memory. This must come into the consciousness of men.
13 January 1924, Dornach

If the Law of Circular Form and the planetary records sound too bizarre, then I invite you to acknowledge that we have built grand computer systems on Earth with excessive memories that allow us to access data stored on a piece of hardware, and through artificial streams of intelligence, we can immediately connect to information that assists our memories and that informs our ideas about life. Our technological advances merely imitate what The Divine has already accomplished in the Heavens and what is becoming available to us spiritually as we strengthen our alignments and open our channels of communication with higher guidance. As we address the challenges of this modern stage, where we place our attentions and how we align our loyalties is pivotal to our long-term prosperity as a people and a nation.

Take care, Everyone <3

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